Theses and Dissertations

The following are just a few examples of students who leveraged Bass Connections participation for their thesis or dissertation.

The information below each name includes major/program, the thesis or dissertation title, Bass Connections project.

Sophie Alman

Can Reminders of Brands Make People Happier than Reminders of Romantic Partners? Perceived Control and Self-esteem as Mediators of Brand/Partner Comparisons

Aging and Reliance on Memory-based Heuristics (2014-2015)

Aaron Ancell, Ph.D.

Hope Arcuri

Global Health and Public Policy
Thesis examining nonprofit culinary job training programs and their effects on joblessness and poverty in North Carolina

Promoting Academic Success for Latino English Learners in Elementary School (2015-2016)

Tara Bansal

Public Policy
Analyzing the Development of Social Capital in the Slums of Bangalore

Studying the Real 'Slums' in Bangalore (2015-2016)

Katie Becker

Public Policy
That’s Not FAIR: Fact-checking Trump’s $113 Billion Undocumented Immigration Sticker Price

Where Does the Money Go? Federal Spending on American Children (2016-2017)

Deanna Befus, Ph.D.

A Systems Thinking, Community-Based Exploration of Health Equity and Agency

NC Medicaid Reform Advisory Team (2016-2017)

Madeleine Bernstein

Biomedical Engineering
Efficacy of “Thresholding Method” in Identifying On-field Impacts with DASHR Device

Oculomotor Response as an Objective Assessment for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in the Pediatric Population (2016-2017)

Chaya Bhat

Global Health
Understanding the Development and Feasibility of an SMS Chatbot in Treating Perinatal Depression in Kenya

Global Mental Health-Integrative Training Program (2016-2017)
Global Mental Health Program (2017-2018)

Shane Bierly

A Novel Method for Examining APP Arrest in the TOM Complex

Brain-immune Interactions in Neurodegenerative Disease (2015-2016)

Kirsten Bonawitz

Changes in the Expression of Late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Genes throughout Pathological Progression within Single Neurons

Brain-immune Interactions in Neurodegenerative Disease (2015-2016)

Nadia Brashier, Ph.D.

Neuroscience and Psychology
Heuristics for Truth across the Lifespan

Aging and Heuristics: Do Older Adults Use Different Cues to Evaluate Information? (2015-2016)

Micaela Brewington

Global Health and Neuroscience
Brain as Predictor: Using Brain Imaging to Optimize Digital Health Interventions

Using Neuroscience to Optimize Digital Health Interventions across Adulthood (2018-2019)

Parth Chodavadia

Global Health
Education and Mental Health, India

Education and the Changing Brain (2014-2015)
