Bass Connections aspires to develop a new approach to active learning and applied research, refine that approach through ongoing evaluation and see it spread to other educational institutions. As the program has gathered momentum, we increasingly field inquiries from schools looking to learn about our approach to collaborative, interdisciplinary and problem-centered inquiry.
We are also reaching out to connect more students and faculty from other universities (especially those near Duke) to work on our research teams. Individual scholars from numerous universities have already collaborated with Bass Connections project teams as partners.
We invite other educational institutions to explore our model, arrange a visit to Durham to talk with program leaders in person and freely adapt any aspects of the program to suit their particular aims and contexts. Eager to share insights gleaned since the program’s launch in 2013, we have engaged with leaders at more than 55 educational institutions to share the Bass Connections model. Some of these include:
- Arizona State University
- Concordia University Wisconsin
- North Carolina Central University
- Texas A&M University
- University of Denver
- University of Iowa
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- University of Miami
- Technical University of Munich
- University College Dublin
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Community Colleges
- Durham Technical Community College (Dean of Arts & Sciences)
- Northwest Michigan College
High Schools
- North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics
More Information
If you would like to learn more about Bass Connections, please contact Laura Howes, Director. You may also be interested in reviewing our latest annual report.