Provost Forum: Immigration in a Divided World

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm

Immigration combines enormous technical complexity with emotionally charged concerns about national identity. This Forum examines how underlying issues of sovereignty and humanitarianism intersect with cultural, ethnic and economic issues. It focuses on specific areas of tension within and between nations over issues of immigration.

Open to Duke students, faculty, and staff and members of the Durham and North Carolina communities

Full agenda and participant biographies available. Registration will open September 16. This is a two-day event; please see the Thursday agenda. We recognize many will be unable to attend the entire forum due to other commitments and encourage people to register for the events they are able to attend.

5:15-5:30: Welcome

5:30-7:00 Immigration Between Nationalism and Humanitarianism Moderated Conversation

Reception afterward for attendees

Resources and Considerations for Civil Discourse

      1.  Intercultural Considerations for Civil Discourse
      2.  Dialogue, Conversation, and Facilitation

Coffeehour Conversations for Schools and Academic Settings

Related Opportunity

Immigration Research:  Special Call for Bass Connections Project Proposals

About the Forum

The Forum is organized by a university-wide steering committee, and is sponsored by the Office of the Provost. The committee is co-chaired by Associate Provost Noah Pickus and Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement Abbas Benmamoun.  Additional members include: Abdullah Antepli, Gary Bennett, Joseph Blocher, Peter Feaver, Jennifer Goins, Eisha Jain, Hallie Knuffman, Mitchell Melkonian, Şeun Bello Olámosù, Liliana Paredes, Gunther Peck, and Suzanne Shanahan.  Members of the Student Advisory Committee are: Daisy Almonte, Reiss Becker, Lizzie Bond, Saheel Chodavadia, Corey Pilson (artist), Axel Herrera Ramos, and Nicolás Sánchez.

For more information, contact Jennifer Goins.

More Information
Oct. 16-17

Penn Pavilion
