Story+ (2019)
Story+ is a six-week summer research experience for undergraduate and graduate students interested in bringing academic research to life through dynamic storytelling. Undergraduates work in small teams with graduate student mentors, in a collaborative and creative research environment. Each project has a sponsor. Students learn to conduct qualitative, humanities-based research (e.g., archival research, narrative analysis, visual analysis, ethnography) and to communicate their research through effective storytelling techniques. Final projects may take the form of writing, websites, exhibits, short films or other genres, depending on the project’s goals.
2019 Projects
#MyVoiceMyBody: Minoritized Bodies in the Pulpit at Duke Chapel
23 and We: Stories of Race in Genetic Ancestry Testing Advertisements
Beyond Despair: Narrating the Environment through the Humanities
Consuming Women, Liberating Women: Women and Advertising in the Mid 20th Century
Stained University: From Duke's Entanglement with the Tobacco Industry to a Smoke-Free Campus
The Other Side of Hungry River: Mental Illness Mapped through Songs
Team Leaders
- Keisha Bentley-Edwards, School of Medicine-Medicine: General Internal Medicine
- Jasmine Cobb, Arts & Sciences-African and African American Studies
- Adam Hollowell, Sanford School of Public Policy
- Tracy Jackson, Duke Libraries
- Hannah Jacobs, Arts & Sciences-Art, Art History, and Visual Studies
- Joshua Larkin Rowley, Duke Libraries
- Kelley Lawton, Duke Libraries
- Peace Lee, Divinity School–Th.D. Student
- Amy McDonald, Duke Libraries
- Eli Meyerhoff, Franklin Humanities Institute
- Jerusha Neal, Divinity School
- Hannah Rozear, Duke Libraries
- Charlotte Sussman, Arts & Sciences-English
/graduate Team Members
Peace Lee, Doctor of Theology
Patricia Bass, Art and Art History-PHD
Amanda Lazarus, Art and Art History-AM
Amanda Bennett, Literature-PHD
Kathleen Burns, English-PHD, English-AM
Meggan Cashwell, History-AM, History-PHD
Quran Karriem, Cmp Media, Arts & Cultures-PhD
Jaime Gonzalez, Literature-PHD
Meredith Graham, Music-PHD
/undergraduate Team Members
Nicholas Simmons, GCS in Literature Program (AB)
Julia Nasco, Political Science (AB)
Veronica Niamba, History (AB)
Emily Otero, Computer Science (AB)
Caroline Petronis, Program II (AB)
Francesco Pucci, Sociology (AB)
Zhengtao Qu, GCS in Literature Program (AB)
Elizabeth Roy, Psychology (BS)
Elias Kline, English (AB)
Isadora Toledo, Public Policy Studies (AB)
Mona Tong, Public Policy Studies (AB)
Daniella Welton, Economics (BS)
Madelyn Winchester, Public Policy Studies (AB)
Andrew Witte, Interdepartmental Major
Ami Wong, Program II (AB)
Sarah Xu, Economics (BS)
Clifford Haley IV, English (AB)
Margot Armbruster, English (AB)
William Atkinson, GCS in Literature Program (AB)
Sara Baudhuin, Program II (AB)
Bailey Bogle, English (AB)
Bates Crawford, English (AB)
Dakota Douglas, Biology (BS)
Sonia Fillipow, Interdepartmental Major
Ye Han, Economics (BS)
Anna He, Environmental Sciences (BS)
Merrit Jones, Robertson Scholarship - UNC
James Kelleher, Interdepartmental Major
Erick Aguilar Ramos, Program II (AB)
Sandra Luksic, Philosophy (AB)
/yfaculty/staff Team Members
Tift Merritt, Hungry River Collective, Rosetta Circle
Grant Glass, PhD Student, UNC-Chapel Hill (English & Comparative Literature)
/zcommunity Team Members
Tania Munz, National Humanities Center