Thank you for joining us to celebrate our 2023-2024 project teams!

Please use the quick links below to learn more about the showcase format and who is in attendance. If you need assistance, please visit the welcome tables near the front doors of Penn Pavilion.

BASS CONNECTIONS TEAM MEMBERS: Please use the “Research Posters” or “Interactive Displays” links below to find your poster or display number.

Showcase Schedule

  • 3:30-4:30: Open Floor featuring posters and interactive displays – Student team members will share their research findings through poster presentations and interactive displays. Showcase attendees can mingle and talk with students about their research.
  • 4:30-5:05: Lightning Talks – Students from six project teams will share research highlights through five-minute “lightning talks.” All showcase attendees will be asked to direct their attention to the student speakers.
  • 5:05-5:15: Awards announcements – After talks conclude, we will also announce the winners of this year’s poster awards, mentorship and leadership awards, and student research grants.
  • 5:15-6:00 Open Floor resumes – Showcase attendees can mingle, visit posters and interactive displays, and talk with teams about their research.

Lightning Talks

Students from six project teams will share research highlights through five-minute lightning talks. Lightning talks will begin at 4:30. Showcase attendees can fill in the seats in front of the stage; all will be asked to direct their attention to the student speakers.

Research Posters

Research posters feature an overview of a team’s research question, methods and outcomes. Team members will be standing at their posters to share their display with attendees.

Posters are numbered from 1-53 with poster “1” located nearest the entryway. 

BASS CONNECTIONS TEAM MEMBERS: Find your poster number by searching for your Bass Connections theme or scrolling through the list below:

An award for best poster was chosen in advance by a panel of judges. This year's winner and runners up are noted below and in the awards section.

Bass Connections Open

  1. Assessing and Improving Girls’ and Women’s Math Identity, “Assessing and Improving Girls’ and Women’s Math Identity”
  2. Building Next Generation Learning at Duke, “Building Next Generation Learning at Duke”
  3. Developing Best Practices for Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning, “Developing Best Practices for Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning”
  4. Ignite: Improving Students' STEM-Identity Through Human-Centered Design, “Impact of Human-Centered Design on STEM and Community-Identity”
  5. Increasing Children's Sense of Belonging in STEM Fields, “Increasing STEM Belonging by Broadening Children's Perspective of Science”
  6. Strengthening Cross-Partisan Collaboration in North Carolina Policymaking, “Strengthening Cross-Partisan Collaboration in North Carolina Policymaking”

Race & Society

  1. Celebra mi herencia: A Spanish Reading Program, ““Oh, This is actually fun!”: Impact of Reading Program on Latino/a Children's Ethnic Identity Formation and Reading Motivation” (Runner-up, Bass Connections Showcase Poster Competition)
  2. Promoting Racial Equity and Housing Stability in Durham Through Financial Relief, “Supporting Low-Income Homeowners Through Property Tax Relief”
  3. Racial Disparities in Emergency Department Return After Orthopaedic Surgery, “Racial Disparities in Emergency Department Return After Orthopaedic Surgery”
  4. State of the South: Advancing Equity through Participatory Data, “State of the South: Advancing Equity through Participatory Data”
  5. Strengthening Partnerships Between Durham Schools and Local Universities, “Strengthening Partnerships Between Durham Public Schools and Local Universities”
  6. Tracing the Roots of Nutrition Access, Implementation and Policy, “Tracing the Roots of Nutrition Access, Implementation and Policy”
  7. Understanding Undergraduate Computing Student Perceptions of Race, “The Role of Student Backgrounds in Understanding Racial Disparities in Computing”

Information, Society & Culture

  1. Earthquake Early Warning in Kathmandu, “Earthquake Early Warning in Kathmandu, Nepal”
  2. Outsourcing the Digital Biomarker Discovery Pipeline, “Outsourcing the Digital Biomarker Discovery Project (DBDP)”
  3. Synthetic Biology and Genetic Engineering for Human Health and Society, “ICARUS – Intelligent Chimeric Antigen Receptor Upregulation System”

Health Policy & Innovation

  1. Children's Complex Care Coalition of North Carolina (4CNC), “How Do We Improve Systems of Care for Children with Medical Complexity?”
  2. Closing the Gap on Health Disparities and Outcomes in Hypertension, “Utilizing a Quality Improvement Method on Hypertension Management for Black Patients”
  3. Community for Antepartum Patients (CAP): Establishing an Inpatient Model for Group Prenatal Care at Duke, “Community for Antepartum Patients”
  4. Community-Informed Policy to Improve Latinx Health Outcomes in North Carolina, “Community-Centered Solutions to Increase Enrollment among la Comunidad Latina in North Carolina”
  5. Data Science in Clinical Care, “Engaging Multidisciplinary Teams to Develop a Model of CDS Adoption​”
  6. Developing a Roadmap for Goals of Care Conversations at Duke Health, “NephroTalks for Nurses: Improving Goals of Care Conversations for Inpatient Dialysis Patients at DUHS ”
  7. Economic Evaluation of School-Based Mental Health Systems, “Benefit-Cost Analysis of a Mental Health Program in a School Setting”
  8. Policy Strategies for Child Maltreatment Prevention, “Family First: A Policy for Preventing Child Maltreatment?”
  9. Promoting Female Sexual Well-Being Through Research and Education, “Promoting Female Sexual Well-Being through Research and Education”
  10. Spine Surgery Patient Navigators, “Spine Surgery Patient Navigators”

Global Health

  1. Addressing Adolescent Mental Health and Intimate Partner Violence in Muhuru Bay, Kenya, “Implementation of the PREvention Program for Adolescent Relationship and Emotional Development: Adolescent Perspectives”  
  2. Building Sustainable Neurosurgical Systems in Developing Countries, “Enhancing Patient Triage for Neurosurgical Care: A Mixed Methods Approach”
  3. Bass Connections Student Research Award grantees, “Barriers to Neurosurgical Service Delivery in Sub-Saharan Africa”
  4. Improving Cancer Control Equity in China, “Engagement of Civil Society Organizations in Multi-sectoral Cancer Prevention and Control Programs in China: A Social Network Analysis”
  5. Role of Physiotherapy in Ugandan Neurosurgical Transitional Care, “Acceptability and Feasibility of Discharge Planning Tool in Ugandan Neurosurgical Transitional Care”

Energy & Environment

  1. Biocultural Sustainability in Madagascar, “Biocultural Sustainability in Madagascar”
  2. Bioremediation of Plastic Pollution to Conserve Biodiversity, “Plastic Pollution: Health Impacts and Bioremediation Solutions”
  3. Duke University Central Campus Geothermal Test, “Geological Analysis for Assessing Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) Feasibility in the Durham Triassic Basin”

  4. Energy and Environment: Design and Innovation, “Assessing Feasibility of Small-Scale Wind Energy Harvesting Systems” (Runner-up, Bass Connections Showcase Poster Competition)
  5. Energy and Environment: Design and Innovation, “Engineering a Hydropower Water Purification System for Rural Riparian Communities”
  6. Enhancing Diversity in STEM Careers Through Mentored Training, “Enhancing Diversity in STEM Careers Through Mentored Training”
  7. Impacts of Artisanal Gold Mining on Humans and the Environment, “Evaluating and Mitigating the Damaging Effects of Mercury-Based Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in South America”
  8. Learning from Whales: Oxygen, Ecosystems and Human Health, “Learning from Whales: A Deep Dive in Marine Mammal Genetics”
  9. Bass Connections Student Research Award grantees, “Metabolic Impact of Microplastics on Whales Using In Vitro Cell Cultures”
  10. Marine Conservation Evidence and Synthesis, “Impact Cascades of Climate Change on Coral Reef Fishery Systems”
  11. New Technology to Expand the Use of Energy Harvesting, “Design to Enhance Energy Harvesting Application”
  12. Optimization of Microbiomes for Large-Scale Algae Cultivation, “Carbon Source Impacts Algal Growth and Shapes Microbiomes in Outdoor Ponds”
  13. Quantifying Wetland Carbon Emissions in the Southeastern United States, “Sunlight and Flooding/Drought Conditions Dominate Carbon Fluxes in Wetlands Across the Southeastern United States”
  14. Tracking Climate Change with Satellites and Artificial Intelligence, “Tracking Climate Change Using Satellites and Artificial Intelligence”
  15. Bass Connections Student Research Award grantee, “A Just Pathway Toward Resilience: Building Local Communities' Adaptive Capacity Through State-level Funding Program”

Brain & Society

  1. Alcohol Use Behavioral Phenotyping Test for Global Populations, “Predicting Alcohol Use Disorder Through Games: Alcohol Use and Behavior Phenotyping Test (AUBPT)”
  2. Bioethics and the Use of Real-World Mental Health Data, “Real-World Mental Health Data: Unveiling Opportunities and Ethical Challenges”
  3. Creating a Contemplative Community: The Impact of Mindfulness on Student Well-Being, “Mapping EEG Brain Dynamics During Resting and Meditative States”
  4. Life After Stroke: An Inclusive Approach to Addressing Sensory Health Needs, “Life After Stroke: A Sensory Health Initiative”
  5. Mental Health and the Justice System in Durham County, “Mental Health and the Justice System in Durham County”
  6. Noninvasive Neuromodulation for Addiction, “Noninvasive Neuromodulation for Addiction”
  7. Trauma-Informed Courts: A Public Health Approach to Juvenile Justice, “Trauma-Informed Care in Court: An Exploratory Research Project” (Winner, Bass Connections Showcase Poster Competition)

Interactive Displays

Interactive displays feature hands-on elements and provide teams with a creative platform for sharing their research methods and outputs. Team members will be standing at their display tables to share their research with attendees.

Display tables are located along the left and right walls of Penn Pavilion and are numbered from 1-17 with display “1” located nearest the entryway. 

BASS CONNECTIONS TEAM MEMBERS: Find your display number by scrolling through the list below:

  1. Assessing Climate Change Risk of Rural Coastal Plain Communities (Information, Society & Culture)
  2. Reproductive Health Care Post-Roe (Health Policy & Innovation)
  3. Rosetta Reitz’s Musical Archive of Care (Bass Connections Open)
  4. Innovations in Research Technology to Assess Forest Wildlife (Energy & Environment)
  5. Refining and Expanding Duke’s Wearable Infection Detection Platform (Information, Society & Culture)
  6. America’s Hallowed Ground (Race & Society)
  7. Project Vox: Evolving Curricula for Digital Humanities Publishing (Bass Connections Open)
  8. Ethical Consumption Before Capitalism (Information, Society & Culture)
  9. Neurocities and Ruinscapes: Reconstructing Ancient Cities and Ruins Using Virtual Reality (Brain & Society)
  10. Agents of Change: Portraits of Activism in the History of Duke Health (Bass Connections Open; Centennial Team)
  11. Race and Sports: C.B. Claiborne and Duke Men's Black Basketball History (Bass Connections Open; Centennial Team)
  12. World Building at Duke in an Emerging Durham: 1924-1932 (Bass Connections Open; Centennial Team)
  13. Duke and the Evolution of Higher Education (Bass Connections Open; Centennial Team)
  14. Eye Tracking: Objective Assessment for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Youth Athletes (Brain & Society)
  15. Hip-Hop Pedagogies: Education for Citizenship in Brazil and the United States (Race & Society)
  16. Language, Music and Dementia (Brain & Society)
  17. Laboratory Art in Practice (Bass Connections Open)

An award for best interactive display will be chosen by a panel of judges at the showcase. Displays will be evaluated on their creativity, communication and interactivity.

Award Winners

Bass Connections Leadership Award

This award recognizes outstanding faculty and staff team leaders for their creativity, intellectual vision and commitment to student mentoring on year-long Bass Connections project teams. Read the full award announcement!

Bass Connections Award for Outstanding Mentorship

This award recognizes graduate/professional students and postdocs who have made tremendous contributions to the success of their team and positively shaped their fellow team members’ experiences. Read the full award announcement!

Bass Connections Student Research Awards

Ten graduate students and 13 undergraduates will pursue faculty-mentored research projects this summer and next year with grant funding from Bass Connections. Read the full award announcement and learn about the students' projects!

Collaborative Research Awards
Climate-Related Impacts on Human Health in Southeastern Madagascar
  • Julia Kagiliery (Environmental Sciences ’25)
  • Abhishek Karna (Physics and Mathematics ’26)
  • Ryan Parks (Ph.D. student in Earth & Climate Sciences)
Electrophysiological Differences Between Multi- and Monolingual Individuals
  • Sasha Faison (Philosophy ’25)
  • Aline Malek (Neuroscience ’25)
Enhancing Patient Triage for Neurosurgical Care in Nigeria
  • Diya Patel (Biology ’26)
  • Julian Orrego (Neuroscience ’26)
  • Tobi Olajide (Medical student ’25, University of Ibadan, Nigeria)
Enhancing Precision Laser Surgery with Flexible Sensors
  • Zacharias Chen (Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science ’25)
  • Alexa Cristelle Cahilig (Biomedical Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering ’25)
  • Chenhang Li (Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science)
  • Ravi Prakash (Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science)
  • Kaiping Yi (Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science)
Repeated Measure Designs in Survey Experiments
  • Diana Jordan (Ph.D. student in Political Science)
  • Andrew Trexler (Ph.D. student in Public Policy)
Individual Research Awards
Cross-Partisan Collaboration in North Carolina
  • Katelyn Cai (Program II ’26)
Describing the National Landscape of Outpatient Palliative Care in the Veterans Health Administration 
  • Dorian Ho (Health Policy ’25)
Impact of Fishing and Sea Surface Temperature on Shallow Reef Fisheries
  • Dana Grieco (Ph.D. student in Marine Science & Conservation)
Identification and Feasibility of Data Elements for a Ugandan Traumatic Brain Injury Database
  • Amy Fulton (Neuroscience ’25)
Lemur-Mediated Rainforest Restoration
  • Camille DeSisto (Ph.D. student in Ecology)
Soundscapes of North Carolina: Durham, Piedmont Blues and Blues Women
  • Trisha Santanam (English ’26)
Tracking Climate Change with Satellites and Artificial Intelligence
  • Kushagra Ghosh (M.S. in Computer Science ’24)

Bass Connections Showcase Poster Competition Awards

An award for best poster was chosen in advance by a panel of judges.

Photo Wall

More than 25 teams submitted photos for display at the showcase. These photos highlight the many ways in which Bass Connections teams are engaging in research in the field, classroom, lab and community. 

All photos are numbered. Check out the captions below to learn more about the team and activities in each photo.


  1. Ethical Consumption Before Capitalism: Team members at the Newberry Library in Chicago in March 2024
  2. Data Science in Clinical Care: Team members presenting their poster at the Duke Health Data Science Poster Showcase in December 2023
  3. Enhancing Diversity in STEM Careers Through Mentored Training: Team members at Orange County Eco-Innovation Park in January 2024
  4. Laboratory Art in Practice: Team members in the lab in Spring 2024
  5. Developing Best Practices for Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning: Laila Dames, Harper Wilkinson and Christina Lewis brainstorming ideas for the team’s poster at a team meeting in Spring 2024
  6. Rosetta Reitz’s Musical Archive of Care: Lindsay Frankfort, Trisha Santanam, Annie Koppes and Tift Merritt in the Rubenstein Library in January 2024 
  7. World Building at Duke in an Emerging Durham: 1924-1932: Team members at a meeting in Spring 2024
  8. World Building at Duke in an Emerging Durham: 1924-1932: Team members review a timeline of the interconnected histories of Duke and Durham
  9. Laboratory Art in Practice: Team members in the lab in Spring 2024
  10. Alcohol Use Behavioral Phenotyping Test for Global Populations: Team members in Maringá, Brazil in January 2024 to pilot Alcohol Use Behavioral Phenotyping Test  web app with project partners
  11. Bioethics and the Use of Real-World Mental Health Data: Team members present a poster at the Duke Health Data Science Poster Showcase in December 2023
  12. Neurocities and Ruinscapes: Reconstructing Ancient Cities and Ruins Using Virtual Reality: Alex Pieroni working in the Dig@Lab
  13. World Building at Duke in an Emerging Durham: 1924-1932: Team members work with GIS software to georeference historical Sanborn maps
  14. Enhancing Diversity in STEM Careers Through Mentored Training: Team members at Orange County Eco-Innovation Park in January 2024
  15. Biocultural Sustainability in Madagascar: Camille DeSisto and project partners in the field in Madagascar in Summer 2023
  16. Strengthening Partnerships Between Durham Schools and Local Universities: Members of the curriculum subteam work together at North Carolina Central University in Spring 2024 to develop modules for an anti-racism curriculum 
  17. Hip-Hop Pedagogies: Education for Citizenship in Brazil and the United States: Lucas Lopes (left) during a panel discussion on hip-hop in Fall 2023
  18. World Building at Duke in an Emerging Durham: 1924-1932: Team member works with GIS software to georeference an historical Sanborn map
  19. Race and Sports: C.B. Claiborne and Duke Men's Black Basketball History: Javier Wallace interviews C. B. Claiborne in the Duke Athletics Hall of Fame
  20. Enhancing Diversity in STEM Careers Through Mentored Training: Team members explore Duke Forest in February 2024
  21. Synthetic Biology and Genetic Engineering for Human Health and Society Team members at the iGEM Grand Jamboree in Paris in November 2023
  22. Rosetta Reitz’s Musical Archive of Care: Team members checking out archived zines in November 2023


  1. Hip-Hop Pedagogies: Education for Citizenship in Brazil and the United States: Team members with the Minister of Racial Equality in Brazil
  2. Ignite: Improving Students' STEM-Identity Through Human-Centered Design: Ignite team members and participants during Duke Day in March 2024
  3. Developing Best Practices for Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning: Team photo on West Campus in Spring 2024
  4. Ignite: Improving Students' STEM-Identity Through Human-Centered Design: Ignite team members during Duke Day in March 2024
  5. State of the South: Advancing Equity through Participatory Data: Team members in Charleston, South Carolina, at a data walk they developed and conducted
  6. Enhancing Diversity in STEM Careers Through Mentored Training: Team members at the Museum of Life + Science in January 2024
  7. Tracking Climate Change with Satellites and Artificial Intelligence: Team members at an escape room in Durham in Fall 2023
  8. Addressing Adolescent Mental Health and Intimate Partner Violence in Muhuru Bay, Kenya: Pari Goel, Vanessa Santini Gomes, Allison Falls, Savannah Johnson, Madalyn Bielskis and Lauren Lloyd at a group meeting in Spring 2023 to prepare for the summer pilot study
  9. Laboratory Art in Practice: Team members at a team meeting in Spring 2024
  10. Belugas: Sentinels of Climate Change in the Arctic: Team members in Churchill in Manitoba, Canada
  11. Alcohol Use Behavioral Phenotyping Test for Global Populations: Team members in Maringá, Brazil in January 2024 to pilot Alcohol Use Behavioral Phenotyping Test web app with project partners
  12. Enhancing Diversity in STEM Careers Through Mentored Training: Team members at the Duke Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility in January 2024
  13. Agents of Change: Portraits of Activism in the History of Duke Health: Team members with oral history recording equipment
  14. Reproductive Healthcare Post-Roe: Team members at a meeting in Spring 2024
  15. Bioremediation of Plastic Pollution to Conserve Biodiversity: Team members at a group lunch outside the Levine Science Research Center
  16. Bioethics and the Use of Real-World Mental Health Data: Team members at a meeting in Fall 2024
  17. Synthetic Biology and Genetic Engineering for Human Health and Society: Team members at the iGEM Grand Jamboree in Paris in November 2023


  1. Race and Sports: C.B. Claiborne and Duke Men's Black Basketball History: Team members at C. B. Claiborne's childhood home in Danville, Virginia, which will be renovated into an African American research center and museum later this year
  2. Assessing and Improving Girls’ and Women’s Math Identity: Sophia Santillan works with a middle schooler at a Saturday afternoon GEM (Girls Exploring Math) workshop in which team members lead middle school girls through fun, accessible and challenging math problems and discussions around topics related to the gender gap in STEM
  3. Addressing Adolescent Mental Health and Intimate Partner Violence in Muhuru Bay, Kenya: PREPARED intervention facilitators and research team after an intervention session during summer 2023
  4. Hip-Hop Pedagogies: Education for Citizenship in Brazil and the United States: Team members and partners after a presentation at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
  5. Hip-Hop Pedagogies: Education for Citizenship in Brazil and the United States: Team members and partners with city council member Monica Cunha
  6. Enhancing Diversity in STEM Careers Through Mentored Training: Team members at the Duke Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility in January 2024
  7. Addressing Adolescent Mental Health and Intimate Partner Violence in Muhuru Bay, Kenya: Research assistants, Rehema John, Robley Ogeda, Zainabu Hamisi and Joseph Owity, before the first intervention session during summer 2023
  8. Rosetta Reitz’s Musical Archive of Care: Tift Merritt, Annie Koppes and Anthony Kelley performing at the Franklin Humanities Institute in February 2024
  9. Strengthening Partnerships Between Durham Schools and Local Universities: Team members on Duke’s East Campus after a team meeting during which the curriculum subteam finalized the content of all eight anti-racist curriculum modules; the data subteam prepared to present marketing presentations that showcase the importance of the community dashboard tool; and the teach-in team focused on ways to "Spread the Movement" and expand awareness about the community school model
  10. Ignite: Improving Students' STEM-Identity Through Human-Centered Design: Ignite participant shares her research during Duke Day in March 2024
  11. Ignite: Improving Students' STEM-Identity Through Human-Centered Design: Ignite participant shares her research during Duke Day in March 2024
  12. Enhancing Diversity in STEM Careers Through Mentored Training: Team members at the Durham Farmer’s Market in February 2024
  13. Assessing and Improving Girls’ and Women’s Math Identity: Saturday afternoon GEM (Girls Exploring Math) workshop
  14. Celebra mi herencia: A Spanish Reading Program: Team members pose with books and kits for program participants
  15. Enhancing Diversity in STEM Careers Through Mentored Training: Team members at Orange County Eco-Innovation Park in January 2024
  16. Synthetic Biology and Genetic Engineering for Human Health and Society: A team member presents at the iGEM Grand Jamboree in Paris in November 2023
  17. Ignite: Improving Students' STEM-Identity Through Human-Centered Design: Ignite program participants tinker with engineering tools and prototypes at the Durham Museum of Life + Science 
  18. Assessing and Improving Girls’ and Women’s Math Identity: Middle schoolers play SET at a Saturday afternoon GEM (Girls Exploring Math) workshop
  19. Data Science in Clinical Care: Team members engage in an interactive modeling session with case managers from the General Internal Medicine Department at Duke Hospital
  20. Reproductive Health Care Post-Roe: Team members share their research in Spring 2024
  21. Enhancing Diversity in STEM Careers Through Mentored Training: Team members at the Durham Farmer’s Market in February 2024
  22. Biocultural Sustainability in Madagascar: Dedriek Whitaker, Camille DeSisto, Evrard Benasoavina, Dania Nasir and Jane Slentz-Kesler visit the environmental education site New Generation School Garden in Sambava, Madagascar in Summer 2023


  1. Hip-Hop Pedagogies: Education for Citizenship in Brazil and the United States: Team members in Brazil in Summer 2023 
  2. Bioethics and the Use of Real-World Mental Health Data: Team members at a meeting in Spring 2024
  3. Laboratory Art in Practice: Team members in the lab in Spring 2024
  4. World Building at Duke in an Emerging Durham: 1924-1932: Team members review a timeline of the interconnected histories of Duke and Durham
  5. Increasing Children's Sense of Belonging in STEM Fields: Team members present their research to members of the Museum of Life + Science education staff
  6. Synthetic Biology and Genetic Engineering for Human Health and Society: Team members at the iGEM Grand Jamboree in Paris in November 2023
  7. Data Science in Clinical Care: Team members share their research with the director of Duke AI Health (left)
  8. Synthetic Biology and Genetic Engineering for Human Health and Society: Cameron Kim takes a selfie with team members at the iGEM Grand Jamboree in Paris in November 2023
  9. Celebra mi herencia: A Spanish Reading Program: Team members sharing the Celebra mi herencia program with community members
  10. Celebra mi herencia: A Spanish Reading Program: Team members check out books for reading sessions with participants
  11. Project Vox: Evolving Curricula for Digital Humanities Publishing: Research Team member Zoé Murphy peruses a 19th-century edition of Madame de Staël’s De l’Allemagne
  12. Ethical Consumption Before Capitalism: Team member at the Newberry Library in Chicago in March 2024
  13. Race and Sports: C.B. Claiborne and Duke Men's Black Basketball History: Team members with Duke basketball head coach John Scheyer at Cameron Indoor Stadium in Spring 2024
  14. Assessing and Improving Girls’ and Women’s Math Identity: Middle schoolers participate in an activity at a Saturday afternoon GEM (Girls Exploring Math) workshop
  15. Hip-Hop Pedagogies: Education for Citizenship in Brazil and the United States: Team members at a meeting in Fall 2023
  16. Project Vox: Evolving Curricula for Digital Humanities Publishing: Andrew Janiak points out aspects of a book’s frontispiece to Max Ma
  17. Ethical Consumption Before Capitalism: Team members in Chicago visiting the Renaissance Society of America Conference and the Newberry Library in March 2024
  18. Hip-Hop Pedagogies: Education for Citizenship in Brazil and the United States: Team members at dinner in December 2023
  19. Strengthening Partnerships Between Durham Schools and Local Universities: Members of the affiliated Data+ team share their research in Summer 2023
  20. Ignite: Improving Students' STEM-Identity Through Human-Centered Design: Ignite team members and trainers during Duke Day in March 2024