Strengthening Partnerships Between Durham Schools and Local Universities (2023-2024)
Durham Public Schools and its stakeholders address many challenges surrounding equitable school experiences and outcomes. In response, the Bull City Community Schools Partnership was formed as a grassroots effort to transform public schools.
Community schools aim to serve as centers of the community, bringing together academics, health and social services, youth and community development, and community engagement to develop innovative curricula and teaching practices based in social justice and local leadership. Premised on a comprehensive asset and needs assessment, strategic planning, continuous improvement science practices, partner engagement and dedicated coordinators, community schools employ culturally sustaining practices and stakeholder leadership to reduce barriers to success and offer school communities a chance for renewal.
Local universities are central to this endeavor as part of the University-Assisted Community Schools (UACS) model.
This project team investigated how universities could help schools address community needs in three key areas: data visualization, health and an anti-racist curriculum. Project members were divided into corresponding subteams:
- The data visualization subteam worked on revising the existing data dashboard used by DPS schools to make it more accessible and efficient for users.
- The teach-in subteam worked to assess the efficacy of exposing teachers to the community school model and to develop strategies for scaling. Using mixed-method analysis, the team discovered that participants effectively learned about the community school model, and were motivated to incorporate it in their schools.
- The curriculum subteam reviewed the work of the previous project team and revised the existing curriculum based on feedback from community stakeholders, to improve the adaptability of the modules for different audiences and to finalize the curriculum.
In addition, project team members traveled to other university-assisted community schools across the country to learn about the diverse structures and experiences of these institutions.
Learn more about this team's work by reading their team profile.
Fall 2023 – Spring 2024
Team Outputs
Strengthening Partnerships Between Durham Public Schools and Local Universities (Research poster; 2024 Fortin Foundation Bass Connections Virtual Showcase)
North Carolina Community Schools Coalition. Full-Service Community Schools Grant.
This Team in the News
Graduation Stories: Jessica On
Drew Greene and Rickard Stureborg Selected as Young Trustee Nominees
‘To help guide the university forward’: Meet Undergraduate Young Trustee finalist Drew Greene
Duke Partners with NCCU, ECU to Assist Public Schools and the Communities They Serve
See related Data+ project, Strengthening Partnerships: Durham Schools and Local Universities (2023), and related teams,University-Assisted Community Schools (2024-2025) and Strengthening Partnerships Between Durham Public Schools and Local Universities (2022-2023).
Image: Clockwise from upper left: NCCU, Duke, Durham School of the Arts