
Building Next Generation Learning at Duke (2023-2024)

Next Generation Learning at Duke works to build upon current learning pedagogies to improve the learning of future generations of Duke students. After extensive research on student-centered pedagogies, it is clear that administrators, faculty and students all play crucial roles in fostering an academic environment. This environment helps students develop the skills and competencies necessary to succeed in the real world.

In the 2023 fall semester, team members attended the Duke Learning Innovation and Lifetime Education Emerging Pedagogies Summit to delve deeper into an interest area, such as gamification or generative AI. From there, each student curated a specialized interest area to be expanded upon in a finalized report. This led to the formation of two subteams that went through the design process, interviewed university stakeholders, conducted secondary research and engaged in group ideation to produce two concepts to be implemented in the Duke community.

The Experiential Learning subteam explored the lack of experiential learning opportunities and “un-grading” techniques available at Duke. This lack of availability leads to a restriction of student agency. Team members interviewed stakeholders to explore the ways in which high-impact/student-centered experiential learning opportunities could be implemented at Duke.

The AI & Assessment team focused on approaches to assessment and the impact that artificial intelligence is having and could have in the classroom, with a view towards finding assessment strategies that can withstand (and flourish) given the fast-paced developments in AI technology.


Summer 2023 – Spring 2024

Team Outputs

Team Website

Building Next Generation Learning at Duke (Poster presented at Fortin Foundation Bass Connections Showcase, April 17, 2024)

New educational models and frameworks for equity-focused, innovative learning environments at Duke

This Team in the News

Faculty Perspectives: Aria Chernik

See earlier related team, Open Design Studio: Participatory Solutions for Human Flourishing (2022-2023).

Team Leaders

  • Aria Chernik, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Social Science Research Institute
  • Kevin Hoch, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Undergraduate Team Members

  • Aritra Acharjee, Electrical & Computer Egr(BSE)
  • Bianca Ingram, Sociology (AB)
  • Yasmine Kaplan, Public Policy (AB)
  • Lola Maglione Silva, Computer Science (BS)
  • Lily Moskowitz, Computer Science (BS)
  • Dylan Nguyen, Electrical & Computer Egr(BSE); Computer Science (BS2)
  • Katherine Zhong, Psychology (BS); Statistical Science (BS2)