Degree: Economics and Environmental Sciences & Policy ’24
Project Teams:
Having participated in two Bass Connections projects at Duke, I have enjoyed the unparalleled community and research experiences I found on both project teams. These two projects, although both under the Energy & Environment theme, provided me with different perspectives and methodologies in dealing with environmental issues. Both allowed me to experience the integration of research, service and engagement, from designing civic engagement curricula for secondary school students to studying coastal ecosystems and resilience through literature review to creating an environmental resilience toolkit for community-based practitioners.

Through my experience working with the Empowering Youth Civic Action on Plastic Pollution team, I enjoyed designing civic action projects to inspire youth to tackle plastic pollution.
For this project, I collaborated with a diverse group of 20 team members, which included undergraduate students, master of environmental management students, and faculty from the Nicholas, Sanford and Fuqua schools. We also met with educational experts from the Constitutional Rights Foundation and Duke TeachHouse, which inspired my team to create civic action lesson plans on plastic policies for schools and teachers. I relished the experience of working alongside many teammates, and together we hosted HackBio events that educated local high school students about the realities of plastic pollution.
During my second year with Bass Connections, I joined the Exploring Links Among Ecological, Social and Personal Resilience team. We delved into the fascinating concept of resilience across various disciplines, and each week, we explored an array of literature spanning social, ecological and educational fields. As a team, we identified factors that bolster community resilience, ultimately completing a draft for peer-reviewed publication and creating a toolkit for resilience practitioners.
The highlight of our project was a three-day workshop retreat at the Duke University Marine Lab in Beaufort, N.C. We were joined by academics and community partners with diverse expertise and a shared passion for restoration and resilience. Together, we engaged in spirited discussions on resilience, while also taking breaks to stroll around the beach and release sea turtles. What made this experience truly special was that we didn’t just study community resilience; we lived it through our collaborative teamwork and shared goals.

My two years with Bass Connections have undoubtedly been among the most rewarding experiences during my time at Duke. The diversity and dynamics within and among the teams I participated in allowed me to grow alongside my peers, blooming with passion for research and community service as well as the aspiration to make positive changes to the communities and the environment around us.
June 2023