Open Source Pedagogy, Research + Innovation (OSPRI) Lab (2018-2019)
OSPRI (Open Source Pedagogy, Research + Innovation), a collaboration between Duke and Red Hat, is harnessing the power of open source principles and methodologies to design and scale open learning contexts for a more equitable and collaborative world. OSPRI is housed in Duke’s Social Science Research Institute.
The 2018-19 Bass Connections project team focused on iterating and scaling up CSbyUs. Cofounded by three Duke undergraduates and the founder of OSPRI, CSbyUs catalyzes networks of undergraduate students to expand access to quality computer science education among students traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields.
Activities included teaching the Mobile Citizens curriculum, developed by CSbyUs, in K-12 partner locations; researching and developing a new curriculum for CSbyUs centered on design and computational thinking; and developing open source tools for sharing CSbyUs curricula and enabling collaboration among CSbyUs communities. Team members published articles, presented at conferences and led workshops on Duke’s campus.
Summer 2018 – Spring 2019
Team Outputs
Amarachi Achonu. 2019. Making Computer Science Curricula as Adaptable as Our Code.
Tanner Johnson. 2019. How Our Non-profit Works Openly to Make Education Accessible.
OSPRI Lab: CSbyUs (poster by Tanner Johnson, Carter Zenke, Amy Jiang, Aria Chernik, Bozhena Etin, Haley Barton, Megan Phibbons, Jay Patel, Eliza Paradise, Judyth Estrada, Lanre Oshin, Nick Turecky, Cady Zhou, Brian Njoroge, Daniel Hwang, Faven Getahun, Amarachi Achonu, presented at EHDx, Duke University, April 9, 2019, and at Bass Connections Showcase, Duke University, April 17, 2019)
OSPRI Lab: CSbyUs (talk by Jay Patel and Megan Phibbons, EHDx, Duke University, April 9, 2019)
Inclusive and Collaborative Learning Is Open Source (presentation by Amy Jiang, Yeonju Suh, Carter Zenke, Red Hat Summit Conference, Boston, MA, May 8, 2019)
CSbyUs: Developing Justice-oriented Education Programs in Computer Science and Beyond (workshop led by Amy Jiang, Eliza Paradise, Carter Zenke, Cady Zhou, CSNAP Student Conference, Fayetteville, NC, November 10, 2018)
CSbyUs (workshops led by Eliza Paradise, Yeonju Suh, Carter Zenke, Bozhena Etin, School Days, Durham, NC, November 2, 2018)
CSbyUs: Harnessing the Power of Open Source to Transform Computer Science Education (presentation by Aria Chernik, Amy Jiang, Carter Zenke, All Things Open, Raleigh, NC, October 23, 2018)
This Team in the News
Faculty Perspectives: Aria Chernik
The Communities I Am a Part of
Duke Student Mentors Help Local Girls Build Skills in Data Science
United Nation CSW 63: The Fearless Future of Technology
Day of Data at Duke Brings Open Source Learning to K-16 Education
Duke Students Enhance Computer Science Education in Durham Schools, the Open Source Way
This project team was originally part of the Education & Human Development theme of Bass Connections, which ended in 2022. See related teams, OSPRI Lab: CSbyUs (2019-2020) and OSPRI Lab: Open Source Education Technology (2017-2018).