Students Present Research on Interactions between Whales and Fisheries

Last month, team members from the Bass Connections project Human-wildlife Interactions at Sea participated in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium (SEAMAMMS) at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, SC.
On behalf of the team, Brianna Kleiner and Lauren Pederson presented a poster, which won the Best Undergraduate Poster award at the conference. Roosevelt Mesa gave an oral presentation about his master’s research that is closely related to part of the Bass Connections project.
- Pilot Whale Depredation in the Atlantic Pelagic Longline Fishery: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Talia Buenrostro, Lisa Campbell, Jason Dinh, Joseph Fader, Briana Kleiner, Alejandro Garcia Lozano, Samantha McLendon, Roosevelt Mesa, Lauren Pederson, Andrew Read, Hillary Smith, Danielle Waples, Noah White; Duke University Marine Lab)
- Interactions Between Short-finned Pilot Whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) and Pelagic Longline Fisheries in the Cape Hatteras Special Research Area (CHSRA) (Roosevelt A. Mesa, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University)
See their abstracts, read the project team description and come to the Bass Connections Showcase on April 18 to find out more about this work.
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Photo courtesy of Joe Fader: Roosevelt Mesa, Talia Buenrostro, Brianna Kleiner, Samantha McLendon, Lauren Pederson