Project Team
Project Vox: Recovering the World of Women Philosophers in Early Modern Europe (2020-2021)
Team profile excerpted from the Project Vox FY2021 Annual Report
Project Vox seeks to highlight philosophical works of individuals from marginalized groups traditionally excluded from the philosophical canon. Historically, such voices have been unjustly ignored in our narratives of the history of philosophy. Women and other marginalized individuals played significant roles in the development of modern philosophy, but their contributions have often gone unnoticed.
Project Vox began with a focus on early modern women; however, the year 2021 marks a shift in the philosophers featured on Vox as we work to present more figures outside of the early modern period and beyond European/Western geographies and traditions. We are committed to continuing to expand and challenge the history of philosophy by promoting inclusivity and diversity. Since its inception as an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Humanities Writ Large-funded project in Fall 2014, and in partnership with an international advisory board and a diverse local team, Project Vox has grown into an internationally accessed and acclaimed open educational resource. Project Vox is a partnership of the Duke University Libraries and Trinity College of Arts and Sciences.
Key Accomplishments in 2020-2021
- Publication of new philosopher entries on Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Mary Shepherd
- Research for new philosopher entry on Tullia D’Aragona
- Remote collaboration with early-career scholars and external faculty
- New blog series, Project Vox Classroom
- Updated mission statement as part of expanding diversity beyond early modern women
Learn more about the joys and challenges of digital publishing during a pandemic through Behind the Scenes: Publishing the Mary Shepherd and Sor Juana Entries by Anna Twiddy.