Meat production is the largest source of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions, but regenerative grazing has the potential to change that. Regenerative grazing can mitigate climate change by enhancing soil health and sequestering carbon, all while supporting biodiversity, reducing air and water pollution, and increasing farm resilience to weather-related events.
Regenerative Grazing NC is a multi-year, student-led project to increase the adoption of regenerative grazing systems in North Carolina. We believe that regenerative grazing is the key to sustainable meat production in a climate-constrained world. Changing food systems is a tremendously complex undertaking and our community partners are doing amazing work advocating policy, providing extension support, conducting research, and developing robust supply chains to connect producers with consumers. Regenerative Grazing NC is supporting these efforts by developing policy recommendations and novel funding streams to help our farmers continue to do what they do best—produce high-quality food—while becoming an integral part of the solution to climate change.
Regenerative Grazing NC
Team website by Paelina DeStephano, Bridget Eklund, Hannah Elson, Hannah Kelley-Bell, Emily McNamara, Charlie Mize, Olivia Olsher, Annie Roberts, Tom Shea, Corey Sugerik, Charlotte Talbott and Amy Yoon