My project gave me a fantastic opportunity to observe the ways that different types of professionals could make an impact on health in our community.
International Comparative Studies T'14
Project Team
North Carolina Latino Health Project (2013-2014)
Current Position
MBA Student, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
I had a fantastic experience participating in the Bass Connections program. As an undergrad, it was my first chance to really step out of the Trinity bubble and have truly interdisciplinary working relationships. My project gave me a fantastic opportunity to observe the ways that different types of professionals could make an impact on health in our community. It challenged how I thought I would approach healthcare and ultimately was one of the reasons I moved into my role in health innovation.
I started my career in global health innovation with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). After working there for a few years, I transitioned to private sector domestic health with CVS Heath. Now, I’m back at Duke at the Fuqua School of Business where I’m exploring a variety of fields, including healthcare, technology, energy, social impact, finance and entrepreneurship. I share the opportunity to work on a project team through Bass Connections with my fellow graduate students often. Glad to see it’s still going strong!