There are many resources available through Duke to support Bass Connections teams. We encourage teams to reach out to these campus partners for assistance as they are eager to help and doing so can save teams a lot of time. Most of these resources are free to the Duke community, although some services may require cost recovery. 

Team Collaboration Tools

Browse our list of project management and team communication tools offered by Duke OIT, supplemented by a list of commonly used external solutions. 

Training and Consultations

  • Duke Libraries Workshops: Duke Libraries offers a range of research support services, including regular workshops that cover a range of research tools and practices on all aspects of the research lifecycle (e.g., data management, literature reviews, citation management, publishing). Teams may also request customized group trainings.
  • Foundational Research Modules: Developed by Bass Connections with campus partners, these online modules provide foundational knowledge in common research practices.
  • Social Science Research Consultation and Training: The Duke Social Science Research Institute provides training and consultations for teams in a range of social science research methods.
  • Center for Data and Visualization Sciences: Offers trainings and consultations in data science, data sources, data management and curation, data visualization and mapping and GIS. 
  • Duke DS+ (Data Science+) Trainings: In person, virtual, and Coursera data science modules offered for the Duke community; +DS may also be available to partner with teams to develop specialized content. 
  • LinkedIn Learning: Duke users can access over 13,000 courses via the LinkedIn Learning library.
  • Coursera for Duke: Duke users can access over 2,000 online courses.
  • Mod•U: These short online modules from the Duke Social Science Research Institute cover a range of quantitative and qualitative social science research methods (see index of all modules).
  • Project Management Modules: Online modules from Duke Libraries and Bass Connections on the principles of effective project management for collaborative research endeavors.

Research Planning and Support

  • Research Policy Manual: All Bass Connections teams are expected to follow Duke's research policies. 
  • Duke Libraries Subject Specialists: Librarians are available to provide advice to teams in a range of subject areas, including meeting individually with teams to discuss literature reviews or other research strategies. 
  • Facilitated Collaboration Planning: Offered by the Team Science Core at DCRI, this free service is designed to help teams assess and plan ahead for effective collaboration. The planning consultation consists of a 90-minute session in which team members are convened to discuss key areas that are known to cause conflict in teams. 
  • myRESEARCHnavigators: Research Navigators are available to provide free consultations to teams on study design, relevant research resources, experts, and processes and best practices for performing research at Duke. Teams can request a consultation by emailing or through myRESEARCHhome (go to the “Research Help” widget and click on “Meet with a Navigator”).
  • Duke Office of Clinical Research: DOCR is a resource to help teams operating under the DUHS Biomedical IRB navigate the requirements related to engaging students in research. DOCR is willing to meet with Bass Connections team leaders to help develop a plan for the appropriate onboarding and oversight of students, and will assist with navigation of the requirements for adding students to key personnel for DUHS Biomedical IRB studies. Team leaders may contact DOCR at, noting that they would like to consult on engaging Bass Connections students in their research. DOCR also provides guidance on their website: Process for Adding Duke Students, Unpaid Volunteers, and External Trainees/Interns to Study Personnel.
  • Duke ScholarWorks: ScholarWorks can suggest an appropriate venue or platform for online publishing (websites, journals, repositories); advise on copyright, open access and fair use; and help develop plans to promote the longevity and impact of a team’s work. 
  • Interdisciplinary Behavioral Research Center: The IBRC is an experimental research lab that manages and administers resources for Duke researchers engaged in social and behavioral science including free research space (5,000 square feet of group and individual testing rooms equipped with computers), ample free parking, access to a large community participant pool, staff support and research grants (up to $600 to offset participant payment). 
  • Protected Analytics Computing Environment: PACE is a highly protected virtual network space that serves as a marketplace where approved users can work with identifiable protected health information. PACE simplifies the effort of obtaining Electronic Health Record data and provides access to common analytical tools (e.g., R, SAS, Python) and services within a protected enclave. See cost estimates for using PACE.  
  • Digital Humanities Support: Duke Libraries can provide training and advice on digital humanities methods and practices for managing digital projects.
  • Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design Methods Core: BERD provides biostatistics resources and guidance; BERD may also be available to provide direct project support on a cost recovery basis. 
  • Community Engaged Research Initiative: CERI facilitates equitable, authentic and robust community-engaged health-related research by providing consultations, facilitating connections, conducting trainings and collecting stakeholder input on select research projects.

External Funding

Looking for external funding? The Office of Campus Research Development helps Duke researchers identify federally funded grant opportunities and advise on the proposal development and writing process. Learn more about the OCRD’s proposal development services or explore their grant toolkits for common external opportunities. The Office of Foundation Relations provides consultations and guidance on foundation funding opportunities.  

Faculty in the SOM can contact the SOM Office of Research Development and the Duke Health Office of Foundation Relations and Corporate Giving.