Understanding Men's Involvement in Family Planning Care in the Philippines (2019-2020)
Working with the Philippines Commission on Population and Development, this Bass Connections project sought to understand men’s involvement in family planning in the Philippines with a focus on existing barriers and existing facilitators. The main objective was to build on data collected by two team members in the Philippines and leverage partnerships and infrastructure that will allow for a robust and comprehensive analysis of barriers and facilitators influencing effective integration of men into family planning care delivery.
The project used a mixed-methods approach to collect data from Filipino-Americans about family planning knowledge and utilization. The data informed the development of a training module for Population Commission (Department of Health) field workers in the Philippines. The training modules provided field workers with information on best practices for collecting data across the country to determine the effectiveness of a national educational plan in changing men’s attitudes about family planning and gender equity.
Fall 2019 – Summer 2020
Commission on Population and Development Field Worker Training Plan
Image: Hauling the net ashore, Philippines, by Bernard Spragg NZ, public domain