Modeling Tools for Energy Systems Analysis (MOTESA) (2016-2017)

Understanding the potential and effects of different penetration levels of wind and solar power requires detailed characterization of 1) renewable resources, 2) conventional electricity generation infrastructure and 3) the interaction and coordination of the two in a balancing authority, independent system operator or regional transmission organization.

Earlier iterations of the MOTESA project responded to these three requirements by developing and making accessible a few tools that vary in purpose and sophistication, but that each serve as building blocks for more complex models and are downloadable, well documented and user friendly.

This Bass Connections project set out to contribute to the assessment of 1) the economic, reliability and environmental implications of new regulatory constraints (e.g., emissions standards or carbon prices that could result from implementation of the Clean Power Plan); 2) new technologies (e.g., Integrated Solar Combined Cycle, Carbon Capture and Sequestration with Concentrating Solar and coal-drying processes); and 3) new market clearing tools in the U.S. and China. This work required simulating the operations of different power systems (e.g., Duke Energy Progress/Duke Energy Carolinas System and scale versions of midcontinent ISO and PJM power systems) according to models previous MOTESA teams have developed.


Summer 2016 – Fall 2016

Team Outputs

Dalia Patiño-Echeverri. A Grid that's Risk-Aware for Clean Electricity - GRACE ($2,437,443 grant awarded from the United States Department of Energy, 2020)

Mingquan Li, Dalia Patiño-Echeverri. “Estimating Benefits and Costs of Policies Proposed in the 13th FYP to Improve Energy Efficiency and Reduce Air Emissions of China’s Electric Power Sector.” 2017. Energy Policy 111:222-234.

Dalia Patiño-Echeverri. Characterizing the Uncertainty on Future Electricity Demand in China: Understanding the Behavior, Attitudes and Beliefs of Residential Users ($15,000 grant awarded from Education and Research in China, 2016)

Reproducing the Hourly Electrical-load Curve from the Residential Sector of Querétaro México: A Preliminary Step towards Characterizing the Uncertainty of Future Residential Electricity Demand in Latin America and the Caribbean, and Estimating the Potential of Demand-side Policies (Mauricio Hernandez, Dalia Patiño-Echeverri, Sunzhe Cao, Rui Shan, Mingquan Li, Jun Zhang, Ildo Luis Sauer)


Edgar Virgüez

This Team in the News

These Ph.D. Graduates Leveraged Bass Connections and Other Interdisciplinary Opportunities

Making the Most of Duke on the Road to the Ph.D.

What We’re Learning About the Program’s Impact on Faculty and Students

These Ph.D. Graduates Incorporated Bass Connections into Their Doctoral Education

$2.4 Million Grant Will Fund Research to Optimize Clean Electricity Production

A Collaborative Approach to Energy Systems and Policy Research

Faculty Perspectives: Dalia Patino-Echeverri

See earlier related team, Modeling Tools for Energy Systems Analysis (MOTESA) (2014-2015).

Team Leaders

  • John Fay, Nicholas School of the Environment: Environmental Sciences and Policy
  • Dalia Patino-Echeverri, Nicholas School of the Environment, Nicholas School of the Environment: Environmental Sciences and Policy
  • Colin Rundel, Arts & Sciences: Statistical Science

Graduate Team Members

  • Patrick Chen, Energy and Environment
  • Thomas Fleming, Economics-AM
  • Jane Liu, Energy and Environment
  • Lei Qian, Statistical and Econ Modeling
  • Leonardo Shu, Statistical Science - MS
  • Edgar Virguez Rodriguez, Environment-PHD
  • Kaifeng Xu, Energy and Environment

Undergraduate Team Members

  • Faisal Alsaadi, Economics (BS); Mathematics (BS2)
  • Andy Cooper, Statistical Science (BS); Computer Science (BS2)
  • Catherine Fei, Mechanical Engineering (BSE)
  • Anh Trinh, Computer Science (BS)
  • Yue Xi, Computer Science (BS)

Team Contributors

  • Shuo Gao, N/A
  • Mingquan Lee, Nicholas School of the Environment
  • Walter Simmons, Pratt School of Engineering: Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science