
Marine Conservation Evidence and Synthesis (2022-2023)

In the rapidly developing field of ocean science and conservation, evidence synthesis and gap maps can provide informed and data-based direction for government, scientific and philanthropic organizations as they decide how to invest limited resources in particular programs and policy interventions.

Building on the work of previous teams, this project team refined and developed evidence maps in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund and the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation at the American Museum of Natural History. They focused on tropical coastal marine ecosystems, which are both highly biodiverse and highly vulnerable.

Team members conducted evidence mapping and reviews, evaluating what natural and social science research reveals about the nature of linkages between conservation interventions (such as catch limits and restoration) and both natural and social outcomes (fish abundance, ecosystem health and resilience, income and well-being). The team also assessed the strength of the evidence supporting these linkages, focusing on particular intervention types where significant knowledge gaps exist or are particularly relevant to policy. 


Summer 2022 – Summer 2023

Team Outputs

Interventions and Outcomes in the Tropical Seas (2023 Bass Connections Fortin Foundation Virtual Showcase)

Ocean Evidence Gap Map and Synthesis (poster by Curtis Cha, Sasha Itturalde, Ali Pagliery, Julia Plasynski, Amanda Sajewski and Sadaf Sutaria, presented at Fortin Foundation Bass Connections Showcase, Duke University, April 19, 2023)

Impacts of Conservation on Tropical Marine Fisheries (Dana Grieco, presentation at the 4th World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress, Merida, Mexico, October 2022)

Why Do We Need a Systematic Map for Tropical Marine Conservation? (Dana Grieco, presentation at Duke University, October 2022)

See related teams, Marine Conservation Evidence and Synthesis (2023-2024) and Ocean Evidence Gap Map (2021-2022).


Image: Madagascar Marine Conservation, by Frontierofficial/Natalie Sangster, licensed under CC BY 2.0

Team Leaders

  • David Gill, Nicholas School of the Environment: Marine Science and Conservation

Graduate Team Members

  • Emily Brady, Biology - PHD
  • Curtis Cha, Coastal Environmental Mgmt-MEM
  • Dana Grieco, Marine Sci & Conservation-PHD
  • Sasha Iturralde, Environmental Economics/Policy
  • Lucas Morgenstern, Environ Science & Conservation; Forest Resource Management-MF
  • Julia Plasynski, Environ Science & Conservation
  • Amanda Sajewski, Coastal Environmental Mgmt-MEM
  • Sadaf Sadruddin Sutaria, Environmental Economics/Policy

Undergraduate Team Members

  • Ali Pagliery, Biology (BS)
  • Anna Shenk-Evans, Environmental Sciences (BS)

Community Team Members

  • Gabby Ahmadia, World Wildlife Fund-US
  • Samantha Cheng, World Wildlife Fund

Team Contributors

  • Lisa Campbell, Nicholas School of the Environment: Marine Science and Conservation
  • Brian Silliman, Nicholas School of the Environment: Marine Science and Conservation