
Integration of Technology and Storytelling to Create a Visual Art Exhibit on Women's Health (2019-2020)

This Bass Connections project helped women learn about their own reproductive anatomy through a technology called the Callascope, a Duke-developed device that allows for self-exploration of female reproductive anatomy in an interactive and private way. This process of self-exploration coupled with women’s perceptions of their own bodies was the inspiration for a community art campaign that sparked conversations on female anatomy and women’s health. Through this participatory research framework, this project team created a platform through which to shift the narrative of shame and invisibility that surrounds the female reproductive anatomy.

The team completed an Expressive Writing for Sexual and Reproductive Health study through Zoom in Spring 2020. Participants learned how to use creative writing to explore personal experience and stigma surrounding sexual and reproductive health topics. The objective of the study was to understand how creative writing can shift knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions related to reproductive health practices. This study was conducted in collaboration with Dr. John Evans. Results were presented by students Lucy Zheng and Shagun Vashisth in a poster session at the 7th Annual Solving the Campus Sexual Assault & Dating Violence Puzzle Annual National Conference: Navigating Power, Privilege, and Pleasure in A Changing World. The team drafted a manuscript for consideration.


Fall 2019 – Spring 2020

Team Outputs

The (In)visible Organ (documentary film by Andrea Shinyoung Kim, The Calla Campaign, 2021)

The (In)visible Organ (website)


Destigmatizing Women’s Health


Jason Mulligan

This Team in the News

Three Duke Alumni Named to Inaugural Class of Samvid Scholars

Using Storytelling to Break the Stigma Surrounding Reproductive Health

Creating Space for Interdisciplinary Thinking and Doing

The Premiere of the (In)visible Organ Documentary

Invisible No More, the Cervix

How Art Sets Women Free

Empowering Women through Technology, Self-Exploration and Art


Images: Courtesy of Center for Global Women’s Health Technologies

Team Leaders

  • Wesley Hogan, Arts & Sciences: History, Franklin Humanities Institute
  • Deborah Jenson, Arts & Sciences: Romance Studies
  • Keny Murillo Brizuela, Pratt School of Engineering: Biomedical Engineering
  • Nimmi Ramanujam, Pratt School of Engineering: Biomedical Engineering

Graduate Team Members

  • Fati Abubakar Gangaran, MFA/Experimental and Doc Arts
  • Ofelia Lopez Madrigal, Romance Studies-PHD
  • Jayce Mulligan, Music-PHD

Undergraduate Team Members

  • Autumn Blamoville, Program II (AB)
  • Arielle Hutchinson, Interdepartmental
  • Sujal Manohar, Neuroscience (BS); Visual Arts (AB2)
  • Simone Nabors, Neuroscience (BS)
  • Simran Prakash, Program II (AB)
  • Shagun Vashisth, Biology (BS); Global Health (AB2)
  • Lucy Zheng, Biology (BS)

Community Team Members

  • Jeff Polish, The Monti

Community Organizations

  • Sister Song
  • Planned Parenthood

Team Contributors

  • Libby Dotson, Pratt School of Engineering: Biomedical Engineering
  • Megan Huchko, School of Medicine: Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Marlee Krieger, Pratt School of Engineering: Biomedical Engineering
  • Gita Suneja, School of Medicine: Radiation Oncology