Innovation & Technology Policy Lab (ITPLab) (2014-2015)
The Innovation & Technology Policy Lab combines Duke expertise on innovation policy and global development to advise development agencies on novel intellectual property (IP) strategies applicable to their growing investments in innovation for development. The IP rules governing innovations for development greatly affect the impact in developing countries. Insufficient IP without alternative financing limits the investment needed to bring certain innovations to scale. Too stringent IP limits access via high prices and blocks follow-on innovators. These IP issues further impact how far capacity-building linked to these innovations can go. Meanwhile, novel IP strategies in various sectors are harnessing the potential of more open innovation models that expand collaboration and bring down costs: open source software, creative commons and open access publishing, patent pools for scientific research, prize funds for aerospace technology and various creative kinds of nonexclusive licensing.
The Policy Lab conducted empirical case studies of the business models, intellectual property strategies and regulatory context of innovators for development in both developed and developing countries. These case studies combined the entrepreneur’s perspective and the view from various policy stakeholders (government officials, users, competitors). They informed comparative analysis from which the Policy Lab can present IP policy options to development agencies. Research focused on six key areas:
- Health technologies
- Energy and sustainability
- Information & communication technology
- Education and scientific research
- Food and agriculture manufacturing
- 3D printing culture industries.
See related team, Innovation & Technology Policy Lab (ITPLab) (2015-2016).