Energy Efficiency in Industry: Motor Vehicle Manufacturing (2013-2014)
How energy efficient is the automotive industry?
A coalition of motor vehicle manufacturers, led by Toyota, Nissan and GM, commissioned a study to benchmark the energy consumption of automotive manufacturing at the plant and process-level to create a model of energy use that will, after review by the industry, be submitted to the EPA for use by EPA Energy Star. Three groups of this project teams worked directly with the three sponsoring companies, using confidential plant and process level data to conduct data validation; perform a deeper dive into the process level data; develop predictive analytics using company and plant specific data; and analyze other energy efficiency/management issues that the team members will identify in collaboration with their partner company. Team members also visited an assembly plant and developed a company-specific case study.
Team Outcomes
Gale Boyd, Energy Star: Building Energy Efficiency in the U.S. Industrial Sector ($1,650,379 grant awarded from the International Community Foundation, 2013)
Gale Boyd, Assembly Plant Energy Benchmarking: Process and Plant Level Analysis ($99,999 grant awarded from Nissan North America, Inc., Toyota Motor Engineering and Manufacturing North America, Inc., General Motors Corporation, 2013)
Duke University Bass Connections Energy Efficiency in Industry: Motor Vehicle Manufacturing, Detroit
Kate MacAdam, Kunyao Yu, Jingwei Deng and Mark Gockowski
This Team in the News
Bass Connections Goes to Detroit
See related team, Energy Efficiency in Industry: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (2014-2015).