Enabling Precision Health and Medicine (2019-2020)
This Bass Connections project worked on developing the infrastructure for a new campus initiative to promote student health awareness and engagement. Participants were given wearables (Apple Watch or Fitbit) to measure their rest and activity.
The team launched a pilot study in Fall 2019 in one residence hall (Gilbert-Addoms) to assess feasibility. The team then monitored the enrollment, dropout rates and participation level over the school year and found that participation was close to 100%. The team identified new features to add for the expanded pilot study. Among these new features are gamification, the dashboard and the events directory. To implement these new features, the team developed the design, and the app will be completed by Duke OIT.
Fall 2019 – Spring 2020
Team Outputs
Sarah J Bond, Nathan Parikh, Shrey Majmudar, Sabrina Pin, Christine Wang, Lauren Willis, Susanne B Haga. 2022. A Systematic Review of the Scope of Study of mHealth Interventions for Wellness and Related Challenges in Pediatric and Young Adult Populations. Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics.
Wear Duke. Susanne Haga, Ryan Shaw, Geoffrey Ginsburg, Sophie Almekinders, Lakshya Bakshi, Sarah Bond, Emma Herold, Shrey Majmudar, Nathan Parikh, Christine Wang, Yuxuan Wang, Lauren Willis. 2019. (product)
Promoting Wellness through Mobile Health Technology (Fortin Foundation Bass Connections Virtual Showcase 2020)
WearDuke: Promoting Wellness through Mobile Health Technology in a College Student Population (video)
WearDuke: Promoting Wellness through Mobile Health Technology in a College Student Population (poster by Christine Wang, Lauren Willis, Lakshya Bakshi, Sarah Bond, Emma Herold, Shrey Majmudar, Nathan Parikh, Jack Wang)
Susanne B. Haga, Ryan Shaw, Charles Kneifel, Sarah J. Bond, Geoffrey S. Ginsburg. 2020. “Promoting wellness through mobile health technology in a college student population: Protocol development and pilot study,” JMIR Research Protocols 9(4):e16474.
This Team in the News
Enabling Precision Health and Medicine Bass Connections Team Renewed
Team Develops Wearable Technologies to Help Students Monitor Their Health Behaviors
See related teams, Enabling Precision Health and Medicine (2020-2021) and Enabling Precision Health and Medicine (2018-2019).