Developing Nursing Resources for LGBTQ+ Older Adult Care Using Human-Centered Design (2022-2023)
Approximately 6.5 million Americans aged 50 and older identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer (LGBTQ+), and this number is projected to increase to more than 20 million by the year 2060. As LGBTQ+ adults age, they will need options for long-term care by skilled healthcare providers who can address their needs. Yet, healthcare workers employed in long-term care and skilled nursing facilities have reported not feeling prepared to care for LGBTQ+ older adults and request more training in order to meet the needs of this marginalized population.
The Duke Population Health Management Office (PHMO) leads the Health Optimization Program for Elders (HOPE) Skilled Nursing Facility Collaborative. The HOPE Collaborative is group of approximately 25 long-term care and skilled nursing facilities across seven local counties in North Carolina that work closely with PHMO to improve care for older adults. Before this year, there were no resources for the HOPE Collaborative that incorporated care guidance for LGBTQ+ patients.
This project team developed a toolkit to train and educate healthcare workers and staff involved in the care of LGBTQ+ older adults at the HOPE Collaborative nursing facilities. The toolkit, called LGBTQ+ Inclusivity Training & Education Initiative (LITE), consisted of an educational website, a best practices flyer, rainbow badge pins, and writing pens with the LITE logo.
Project members created the toolkit in consultation with LGBTQ+ community members, nursing facility administrators, healthcare workers and other stakeholders. The team utilized human-centered design to develop the website and the Consolidated Framework for Intervention Research (CFIR) to conduct interviews with community members. They also presented their work at various conferences throughout the year.
Fall 2022 – Spring 2023
Team Outputs
LGBTQ+ Toolkit for Healthcare Workers (2023 Fortin Foundation Bass Connections Virtual Showcase)
Developing Nursing Resources for LGBTQ+ Older Adult Care Using Human-Centered Design (poster by Alexis Domeracki, Glaucia Salgado, Perisa Ashar, Foxx Hart, Melanie Wang, Jason Wheeler and Jennifer May, presented at Fortin Foundation Bass Connections Showcase, Duke University, April 19, 2023)
6 best practices for LGBTQ+ care flyer
This Team in the News
Meet the Members of the 2023-2024 Student Advisory Council
Meet the Members of the 2022-2023 Student Advisory Council
Duke NCSP Scholar-Led Bass Connections Teams Present Research Findings