Data+ (2023)
Data+ is a ten-week summer research experience for undergraduates and master’s students interested in exploring new data-driven approaches to interdisciplinary challenges. Students work in small teams and learn how to marshal, analyze and visualize data, while gaining broad exposure to the field of data science. Through collaboration, teams use data analysis to solve a wide variety of real-world challenges using health data, text, voting records, wireless mapping data, economic and financial analytics and more.
Data+ 2023 Projects
- A Textual Analysis of Economic Speeches on Agriculture 1919-2022
- Assessing and Accelerating Data Driven Career Programs for Young Black Men in Durham
- Assessing Climate Change Risk of Rural Coastal Plain Communities*†
- Assessing Germline Variations among Black Patients with Early-Onset Prostate Cancer
- Auditory Imagery of Speech and Non-Speech Sounds
- Corporate Investments in Diverse Led Funds
- Creating Emerging Technology Foresight Strategies for Synthetic Biology
- Creating Mental Health Technologies and Application Code of Ethics to Scale
- Data Science for Operations and Planning at Durham Public Schools
- Developing Impact Assessment Tools for Neurotechnologies
- Developing Patient Data Principles: Enabling Patients to Share and Receive Data Confidently
- Ethical Consumption Before Capitalism*
- Hip Hop Pedagogies & Education for Citizenship in Brazil & the U.S.*
- Innovations in Research Technology to Assess Forest Wildlife*
- Investigating Community-Based Review Boards to Enable More Transparent and Ethical Data Collection
- Landscape Analysis of Whole Genome Sequencing and New Born Screening
- Machine Learning and Evaluating Technical Documentation
- Measuring Urban Heat Islands and their Causes in Durham†
- Mental Health and the Justice System in Durham County*
- Mitigating the Risks of Emerging Technologies
- ML for High Complexity Clinical HLA Datasets
- Neurocities and Ruinscapes*
- Optimizing Hospital Scheduling Through Machine Learning
- Predicting Microbial Growth
- Quantifying the Carbon Footprint of Duke Dining†
- Quantifying Wetland Carbon Emissions in the Southeastern US*†
- Refining & Expanding Duke’s Wearable Infection Detection*
- Resourcing of Coal Ash Wastes for Decarbonized Infrastructure Materials†
- Responses of Parking Lot Usage to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- River Dead Zones: Identifying and Determining Hypoxia in Rivers Across North America†
- Rubenstein Library’s Card Catalog File
- Strengthening Partnerships: Durham Schools & Local Universities*
- Tracking Climate Change Causes & Impacts with Satellites and AI*†
- Understanding the Ocean Biological Carbon Pump with Big Data†
- Using Automated Interactional Synchrony to Predict Complex Behaviors
- Using Deep Event-Level Data to Provide Quantitative Insights for Duke Women’s Soccer Team
- Visualizing Data to Increase Access to Diapers
*Related to a 2023-2024 Bass Connections project
†Climate+ project