Data+ (2022)
Data+ is a ten-week summer research experience for undergraduates and master’s students interested in exploring new data-driven approaches to interdisciplinary challenges. Students work in small teams and learn how to marshal, analyze and visualize data, while gaining broad exposure to the field of data science. Through collaboration, teams use data analysis to solve a wide variety of real-world challenges using health data, text, voting records, wireless mapping data, economic and financial analytics and more.
Data+ 2022 Projects
- AdoptADrain: Working With Citizen Science Data to Understand Plastic Pollution Within Stormwater
- AI-Powered Transcription of Historical Manuscripts
- Analyzing the Gap in Cancer Control Equity in China
- A City and Its River: Contaminant Risk in Durham*
- Data+Fest: Building a Dashboard and Educational Resources for DataFest
- Data Science for Community Safety in Durham
- Ethical Consumption Before Capitalism
- Exploring Novel Machine Learning Techniques for Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Applications
- Farm to Fork (Year 2)
- Finding Medieval Irish People Using Drones: The HELM Project
- Gamifying Risk Identification for Alcohol Use Behaviors*
- Improving Infection Detection Efficiency With Wearables*
- Investigating Wetland Carbon Emissions in the Southeast U.S. Under Climate Change†
- Learning to Communicate
- Mapping the Trajectories of Duke Doctoral Students
- Melting Ice, Shifting Krill
- Mental Health and the Justice System in Durham County*
- Modeling Microbial Growth to Understand Pathogenesis and Biological Resilience
- Pilot Earthquake Early Warning in Kathmandu*
- Plus Programs Data Exploration
- Policy Surveillance of UHC Financing in Developing Countries*
- Predictable Control of Spatial Patterns Formed by Bacterial Consortia
- River Ice Timing and Duration in a Warming Climate: Field Camera Image Classification†
- Small Town Policing Accountability
- Tracking Climate Change Causes and Impacts With Satellites and AI*,†
- Understanding the Course of Disease via Registration on Electronic Health Records Data
- Understanding Electric Consumption Profiles With an Emphasis on Data Privacy†
- Visualizing Durham Public School Communities*
*Related to a 2022-2023 Bass Connections project.
†Climate+ project