Data+ (2016)
Data+ is a ten-week summer research experience for undergraduates and master’s students interested in exploring new data-driven approaches to interdisciplinary challenges. Students work in small teams and learn how to marshal, analyze and visualize data, while gaining broad exposure to the field of data science. Through collaboration, teams use data analysis to solve a wide variety of real-world challenges using health data, text, voting records, wireless mapping data, economic and financial analytics and more.
2016 Projects
- Durham Neighborhoods
- Transgender Discrimination Survey
- Data-driven Parking
- Smoking and Activity Space
- Eye Movements and Food Choice
- EMR and Clinical Trials
- Fruit Fly Morphogenesis
- Black Queen Hypothesis
- Data-driven Development
- Learning to Search More Deeply
- NC Budget Data and Policy
- Election Polling
- Smart(er) Routing at Theme Parks
- Predicting Pancreatic Cancer
- Diagnosing Diabetes and Predicting Complications
- LungMAP
- Health Networks and Disparities
- National Asset Scorecard for Communities of Color
- Drugs and Gluttony
- Team Science
- Night Vision
- RTI-Duke Data+ Practicum
- Energy Resource Assessment
- Geometry and Topology for Data