Communicating about Energy in the Triangle: Engaging Students and Local Partners to Improve Household Consumption (2013-2014)

How can local efforts for energy conservation be enhanced by improved communication strategies?

This project team developed and implemented communication strategies with partners at Clean Energy Durham. Areas of focus included energy education in the public housing and low-income housing sector; community-building and energy efficiency; and connections between water and energy efficiency. This project helped to hone the communication science understanding of team members while simultaneously leveraging student creativity and enthusiasm to bolster the efforts of Clean Energy Durham.



Team Outcomes

Brian Southwell, Kristina Ronneberg, Kelly Shen, Emily Jorgens, Juanita Hazel, Rahiel Alemu, Jennifer Ross, Laura Richman, Daniel Vermeer. 2014. Energy Information Engagement among the Poor: Predicting Participation in a Free Workshop. Energy Research & Social Science 4;21-22.

Effective Energy Communication Strategies for Low-Income Residents (poster by Kelly Shen, Rahiel Alemu, Emily Conner, Juanita Hazel, Drew Howard, Emily Jorgens, Kristina Ronneberg, Jennifer Ross, Sidharth Sharma, Brian Southwell, Daniel Vermeer, Laura Richman)


Emily Conner

Jennifer Ross

This Team in the News

Energy Research Workshop 2014: Bass Connections in Energy Projects

Spotlight on Sustainability: Brian Southwell

Viral Marketing to Change Household Energy Behavior

Comparing Energy Use across the Globe

Debating Energy Literacy

Social Networks for Sharing Science and Health

Motivating Energy Behavior

Team Leaders

  • Laura Richman, School of Medicine: Population Health Sciences
  • Brian Southwell, Social Science Research Institute

Graduate Team Members

  • Emily Conner, Energy and Environment
  • Drew Howard, Environmental Economics/Policy
  • Kristina Ronneberg, Global Environmental Change
  • Sidharth Sharma, Energy and Environment

Undergraduate Team Members

  • Rahiel Alemu, Psychology (AB); Sociology (AB2)
  • Juanita Hazel, Environmental Sciences (BS)
  • Emily Jorgens, Program II (BS)
  • Jennifer Ross, Environmental Sci/Policy (AB)
  • Kelly Shen, Environmental Sciences (BS); Biology (BS2); Masters of Public Policy

Community Organizations

  • Clean Energy Durham
  • RTI International