Bioremediation of Plastic Pollution to Conserve Biodiversity (2025-2026)
Plastic is the most ubiquitous human-made substance in the world, and much of it ends up in our waterways. Plastic bioaccumulation harms the health of marine animals, threatens ecosystems and transmits carcinogens up the food chain, including to humans. Despite the abundant evidence of its environmental and human health impacts, staggering volumes of plastic waste continue to accumulate.
To address this issue, researchers have identified microbes that can convert plastic polymers into biodegradable products. These microbes represent a powerful new tool for bioremediation efforts, but additional research is necessary to create microbial solutions capable of efficient, scalable and rapid degradation of plastic.
Project Description
This project team will explore ways to optimize microbial systems for breaking down plastic. Previous teams have already identified a new plastic-degrading microbe, Pseudomonas stutzeri, using computational biology. Building on that work, this team will use bioengineering and directed evolution to look for mutants that can degrade plastic more efficiently. They will culture P. stutzeri in the presence of mutagens and PET plastic and select the mutants that can most rapidly degrade PET. They will also use deep learning models to identify additional plastic-degrading microbes.
In tandem, team members will evaluate whether increasing the temperature of plastic can improve microbes’ plastic-degrading capacity. They will test a system that uses a plastic-degrading enzyme in the temperature-tolerant bacterium Thermus thermophilus and observe its performance at different temperatures. Team members will also collaborate with researchers at Penn State, Behrend to engineer a portable, solar-powered bioreactor that can be deployed to areas in need of plastic remediation.
Finally, the project team will investigate the harmful effects of plastic on cellular health. Chemicals added to plastics include more than one hundred known carcinogens and thousands of untested chemicals. Computational analysis of gene expression patterns in response to previously untested plastic additives has revealed combinations of additives that synergize to both increase DNA damage and prevent cell death. Based on these observations, team members will evaluate how combinations of additives with unknown carcinogenicity impact cancer-like phenotypes in lab experiments.
Anticipated Outputs
Peer-reviewed manuscripts; data on plastic remediation and on additive carcinogenicity; website for searching health endpoints of plastic additives; grant proposal
Student Opportunities
Ideally, this project team will include 3-5 graduate students and 6-10 undergraduate students. Students with backgrounds or interest in biology, engineering, chemistry, computer science, bioinformatics, public policy, environmental science and/or marine science are encouraged to apply.
Students will gain experience working in a research lab, performing experiments, preparing manuscripts for submission to peer-reviewed journals and presenting data at meetings. Through monthly journal clubs, team members will develop skills in summarizing and critically evaluating peer-reviewed research.
The team will likely break into specialized subteams based on the interests and experience of team members. Senior students and graduate students will act as mentors and project managers, working with faculty to ensure effective work management and providing guidance to new team members. Peer mentors and team leaders will lead career development discussions to help students develop action plans for their future goals.
Students will also have opportunities to engage with the broader community through external partnerships with the City of Medicine Academy (Durham Public Schools); North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics; Duke University Marine Lab; local schools in Beaufort, Morehead City and Atlantic Beach; the Plastic Pollution Working Group; FaunaLabs; the Henry David Thoreau Foundation; Seaworld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund; and Dr. Gamini Mendis, a materials science and polymer chemistry expert at Penn State, Behrend.
This project includes optional summer components in 2025 and 2026. Participants should expect to work for 8-10 weeks, 20-40 hours per week, depending on the needs of the student and of the project. Summer 2025 work will primarily be open to members of the 2024-2025 team, while Summer 2026 work will include members of the 2025-2026 team.
Summer 2025 – Summer 2026
- Summer 2025 (optional): Current team members continue research and write papers; new team members meet monthly (optional) to discuss background information
- Fall 2025: Conduct literature review; design and perform experiments; troubleshoot and analyze data; present at weekly meetings; write final reports
- Spring 2026: Continue collecting and analyzing data; write manuscripts; present at conferences; provide weekly updates; attend lectures, journal clubs and seminars relevant to student career interests
- Summer 2026 (optional): Continue analyzing data; write manuscripts; present at conferences
Academic credit available for fall and spring semesters; summer funding available
See earlier related team, Bioremediation of Plastic Pollution to Conserve Biodiversity (2024-2025).