
Current and former Bass Connections teams may request a maximum of $10,000 in supplemental funding for any of the following reasons:

  • To extend the impact of a project: On occasion, teams may have the opportunity to expand their project beyond its original scope. Supplemental funding requests would be particularly appropriate in instances where extra funding would provide additional/deeper opportunities for student engagement and/or to extend the project’s community impact. 
  • To aid the translation/completion of a project: For projects that are coming to an end or have officially ended, teams may need additional resources to complete or disseminate their findings. Examples might include additional funds to hire a student to finalize a team’s work, complete data analysis or share the team’s findings with the public (e.g., public website). 
  • To address unavoidable budget shortfalls: While teams are expected to manage their projects according to their approved budget plan, we understand that teams may encounter unexpected expenses over the course of their work. However, before requesting supplemental funds, teams should explore all other avenues (e.g., redeploying existing funds from other budget line items). 

Requests will be reviewed on a rolling basis, but please note that we do not anticipate awarding many supplements each year. This funding mechanism should be reserved for instances when additional funding is important to the viability or success of the project or would have the potential to significantly grow its impact. All requests will be evaluated on the extent to which students will be engaged in, and benefit from, the proposed work. 

Guidelines and Restrictions 

Please read the following guidance before submitting a request. 

  • Maximum funding offered through this mechanism is $10,000. 
  • Proposed activities must be directly linked to a team’s current or former work and should be discrete and tightly scoped (i.e., this mechanism should not be used to propose a new project). 
  • Requests may be submitted by any current or former Bass Connections team.
  • Requests should be submitted by a faculty/staff team leader already associated with the project. Postdocs and graduate student team leaders may submit requests, but all requests must be endorsed by a faculty team leader.
  • We will only consider requests related to conference travel and registration linked to high-impact student presentation opportunities. 
  • If you are requesting support for publication fees, please justify how open access fees will increase the readership base and tell us whether students are listed as co-authors. 
  • Current teams must have already spent, or made firm plans to spend, most of their current budget. Supplemental funds will not be transferred until the original budget has been expended. 
  • If awarded, supplemental funds must be used within one calendar year. Supplemental funds will not be eligible for no cost extensions. 

To submit a request, please complete this form. We will review requests on a rolling basis and respond within one month. If you have questions, please contact Laura Howes, director of Bass Connections.