The resources below are designed to help team leaders understand policies for crediting and best practices around grading for Bass Connections project teams. If you have questions about these resources, or other team resources, please contact Laura Howes at or 919-684-9021.

Crediting Policies for Bass Connections Project Teams

Team leaders have options for how they set up credit for their project team. This guidance outlines the crediting policies and procedures for Bass Connections project teams and is meant to help team leaders understand and assess which crediting option makes the most sense for their team.

Grading Guidance for Team Leaders

Because most students participate on project teams for credit and therefore must receive a grade at the end of each semester of participation, this guidance is meant to help team leaders identify common questions and issues around grading for project teams and offer a set of options for how to organize that process.

Using Reflection to Support Student Learning and Assessment

Reflection is an indispensable part of the learning process and can be a critical tool for assessment. This guidance outlines when and how to incorporate reflection in the research process and offers options for how to assess reflective assignments.

Peer Evaluation Template

Peer evaluations give students the opportunity to reflect on their teammates’ work and can serve as important tools for helping team leaders assess team health and individual student performance. This guidance offers strategies for using peer evaluations and provides a sample template that can be modified as needed. (Please note that when you click the link above, it will download the file as a document that can be used for editing.)