Share Your Bass Connections Photos, Enter to Win

A great picture tells a powerful story. Bass Connections is recognizing the incredible photos taken throughout the year by project team members. These images highlight the variety of issues and questions the project teams are addressing, and they can help connect the Bass Connections community across themes and teams. Submit your best shots to show us what has captivated you from your project team experience this year, and you could win a cash prize!
- Photos can be of fieldwork, research or any part of the Bass Connections experience.
- Photos must be related to a Bass Connections project that took place at any point from May 2016 through April 2017.
- Photos must be at least 1500 pixels wide; a resolution of 300 ppi is preferred.
- Each participant can submit up to five photos.
- By entering the contest, you certify that you received written or verbal consent from the subjects of all photos, and that you own the rights to the image. You also grant Bass Connections permission to display, distribute, reproduce and create derivative works of this material, in whole or in part, in any media for any Bass Connections educational purpose, with credit given to the photographer.
Submission Process
- Please submit each photo using the photo contest form.
- The deadline for submissions is March 26.
- Decisions will be made by March 31.
Photos will be judged by a committee of Bass Connections Student Advisory Council members plus communications professionals from the Bass Connections themes’ related institutes and initiatives, the Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies and Bass Connections staff.
Submissions will be judged on:
- Relevance to Bass Connections themes, project teams and interdisciplinary research
- Technical quality (focus, lighting, use of color, composition)
- General aesthetic quality
- Creativity and originality.
Prizes will be awarded for:
- First place: $200
- Second place: $150
- Third place: $75
Winning photos will be displayed and recognized during the Bass Connections Showcase on April 20, 4:00-6:00 p.m., Scharf Hall.