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Join the Bass Connections Student Advisory Council

The Bass Connections Student Advisory Council is accepting applications through September 16. All Duke graduate and undergraduate students are eligible for this leadership opportunity.

Apply now

Prior participation in Bass Connections is not a requirement of membership, and freshmen and new graduate students are encouraged to apply. However, prospective members should demonstrate interest in developing collaborative solutions to real-world problems with teams from diverse backgrounds, as well as enthusiasm about taking part in the development of a new educational model.

The Student Advisory Council meets for one and a half hours, once per month, during the fall and spring semesters, except for the weeks leading up to fall and spring exams. Meetings for the fall semester will be held from 12:30 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. on three Fridays: September 30, October 28 and November 18. This is a serious commitment, and members are expected to attend all three meetings for the fall. Lunch will be provided. Members also serve as ambassadors by participating in the Bass Connections Open House, on Blue Devil Days panels and other campus-based events.

To apply for the 2016-2017 Bass Connections Student Advisory Council, please complete and submit this application no later than midnight on September 16, 2016.

The Council serves as a sounding board for student suggestions and a source of feedback on questions from Bass Connections administrators and faculty. Through this leadership opportunity, members have a chance to make a real and lasting impact on the development and direction of this initiative and to assure its continuing success. Council members have an opportunity to build relationships with students and faculty members while gaining an inside perspective on this exciting program.

All questions may be directed to the Student Advisory Council co-chairs at or

If you are unable to make the meeting times in the fall but would like to serve as an ambassador for campus events, please contact the co-chairs.