Bass Connections Open House on Jan. 27
All Duke graduate and undergraduate students are invited to the Bass Connections Open House on Wednesday, January 27, 3:00-6:00 p.m. in Gross Hall 100 (Energy Hub, first floor).
Stop by to learn about the 2016-2017 projects that will be recruiting students for teams that start in Summer or Fall 2016.
Faculty members who will lead projects in the five Bass Connections themes (Brain & Society; Information, Society & Culture; Global Health; Education & Human Development; and Energy) will be present to talk to students and answer questions.
Students can learn more about these new projects and decide which ones they are interested in applying to. Applications will be due on February 26.
Food and beverages will be served!
Learn more
- Explore the 2016-17 projects
- Review FAQs
- Browse stories from Ph.D., master's and undergraduate students on their Bass Connections experience