Bass Connections Follow-on Student Research Funding: Spring 2017 Request for Proposals

Bass Connections brings together faculty and students—from all levels and schools—in interdisciplinary research teams. Faculty, graduate and professional students, undergraduates and postdocs apply their skills and perspectives to generate creative solutions to complex problems in five theme areas. In addition to more than 40 project teams each year, Bass Connections offers curricular pathways in each theme, to complement a student’s major or program of study. As part of our support for these curricular pathways, Bass Connections provides limited funds to support students who wish to continue some aspect of their team’s work through a follow-on research project.
Follow-on research funds are available to undergraduate and graduate students who have completed (or are completing) a Bass Connections project team and propose to continue some aspect of the team’s work through a faculty-mentored research experience. We anticipate awarding funds to at least three projects, with a preference for group projects or group theses.
Funds may support travel, equipment or other needs associated with the research proposal, and may be used over the course of the upcoming academic year (2017-2018).
The themes that the successful proposals fall under will organize and provide collective experiences for the individual students, as well as others who are doing theme-relevant work outside of the project teams.
See a list of previous awardees and projects.
All students who are currently participating on Bass Connections project teams or have previously participated on Bass Connections project teams may propose research experiences.
Proposals should be submitted to Hallie Knuffman in Bass Connections by Friday, March 10 at 5:00 p.m. and should include:
- A brief narrative that articulates the goals of the research, how it connects to the Bass Connections project team experience and how it fits with the student’s overall academic and professional plan (no more than 3 pages)
- A budget plan (up to $3,000) and timeline for use of the funds
- A listing of all other sources and amounts of support for the research project, both confirmed and anticipated/applied for (if applicable)
- A letter or e-mail from the faculty mentor and, if a different person, the Bass Connections team leader in support of the research proposal.
Review and Selection
Proposals will be reviewed by the Bass Connections theme leaders and the Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies. Decisions will be announced by early April 2017 and funds will be awarded as appropriate to the timing of the research. Awardees will be expected to provide a written update of their progress during the year (could be a blog post or written document or other format), by no later than April 2018.