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Applications for Neurohumanities in Paris Due February 1

The Neurohumanities in Paris global education program is taught during Summer Session 1 (May 18-July 2, 2016) by a collaborative modular team of faculty from the neurosciences and the humanities, with two one-credit courses “Cultured Brain: The Neuroscience of Perception and Action” and “The Creative Brain: Literature, Arts and Cognition.” All courses are taught in English.

Undergraduate students from many different disciplines and all years are encouraged to apply. Applications are due by February 1, 2016.

Students are invited to attend an information session on Tuesday, January 19 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences, Room B029. (Enter the glass cube on the patio of the Levine Science Research Center near the Blue Express Cafeteria, and go down to the bottom level. The room is on your left.)