9/12: Energy Events
Interested in Energy? Check out the Bass Connections in Energy and Energy Initiative events for Friday, September 12th:
Cleaning up Cookstoves in India: Impacts, Opportunities and Challenges
The TISS/NCSU Energy and Security Initiative continues its Energy and Security Luncheon Series as Andrew Grieshop, an assistant professor of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at N.C. State, the environmental and energy impacts of cookstove use in less-developed countries. For more information, visit www.tiss-nc.org.
11:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Room 129, 1911 Building
North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Registration is required by Sept. 9. Click here to sign up.
The Jevons Paradox: Why increasing the energy efficiency of the economy is accelerating global climate change
Presented by the Division of Earth & Ocean Sciences
Presentation by Tim Garrett, professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Utah.
2102 Environmental Hall