Despite the importance of diversity in STEM fields, underrepresented minorities represent only a small percentage of college graduates majoring in STEM. The environmental health field is particularly homogenous, an especially disturbing fact given the pervasiveness of environmental injustice and the relationship between environmental issues and health in topics such as air pollutants and cancer rates.
To work toward addressing this issue, this team created the Health and Environment Scholars Program (HESP) at Duke. This program allows Durham Public Schools high school students to explore interdisciplinary environmental science and health subjects alongside undergraduate mentors. The program strives to provide year-round, hands-on programming, mentorship across learner levels, as well as college readiness training.
Enhancing Diversity in STEM Careers Through Mentored Training
Poster by Emma Shuppert, Katie Tan, Larry Zheng, Lydia Sellers, Madena Mustafa, Madison Griffin and Jerry Fu