Preterm birth, or delivery before 37 weeks gestational age, is a major cause of illness and death in newborn babies’ first month. In the U.S., about 10 percent of pregnancies result in preterm deliveries. Of note, this rate is 48 percent higher among Black women.
This project team adapted the CenteringPregnancy group model, traditionally used as an outpatient service, to an inpatient antepartum service by expanding a pilot study performed in 2019-2020. The team developed and implemented a sustainable inpatient antepartum intervention through Centering groups to benefit both pregnant women and their babies by increasing length of pregnancy and breastfeeding rates. The intervention also fostered community to support emotional and mental well-being.
In response to patient feedback from previous CAP sessions, the team also developed and piloted a postpartum session, recruited patients and presented the information in an online session. The students then refined the model based on patient feedback for use in future CAP sessions.
Pilot Postpartum CAP Session
Poster by Alyzea Benjamin, Michelle Kwan and Jocelyn Reyes