Bass Connections courses incorporate interdisciplinary, team-based learning into a semester-long course structure. Through these courses, students can gain expertise in addressing complex societal problems and working on interdisciplinary teams.

Students: Take a Course

Emily Klein and team assembling a bike.

Students of all levels can browse the course listings below to explore affiliated courses and when they are typically available for enrollment. Courses are listed by thematic area and then arranged by level.

Click the links to review the course description and additional details. Students can register for Bass Connections-affiliated courses during the normal drop/add windows; most courses are open-enrollment and do not require a permission number.

Please note that not all courses are taught each year, but all courses in this list have been taught in the last two years. Please visit Duke Hub during the course shopping periods and normal registration windows to see if a course is available for the upcoming semester.

Faculty: Spotlight Your Course and Find Course Resources

Jeff Baker and team with recording equipment.

Faculty who currently teach a course that features interdisciplinary inquiry and/or team-based applied learning around societal challenges are invited to reach out to us to discuss how we might spotlight your course. Our goal is to show the extent to which this form of engaged learning is happening at Duke, and to provide students with a resource to identify courses that model this type of learning.

Faculty who are interested in integrating collaborative projects into a new or current course can find resources and example syllabi in our Course Design Resource Center and can participate in our Collaborative Project Courses Faculty Fellows Program

Affiliated Courses

Brain & SocietyWRITING 101Neuroscience and SocietyEmily Parks Fall/Spring
Brain & SocietyNEUROSCI 102Biological Bases of Behavior: Team-based LearningMinna Ng, Tina Williams, Nicole Schramm-SapytaPSY 107Fall/Spring
Brain & SocietyNEUROSCI 153FSDrugs and the LawNicole Schramm-SapytaPUBPOL 185FS, SCISOC 153FSFall
Brain & SocietyNEUROSCI 267NeuroethicsScott Huettel, Walter Sinnott-ArmstrongPSY 278, PHIL 353, ETHICS 269Spring
Brain & SocietyNEUROSCI 278Sex/Gender - Nature/Nurture: Intersections of Biology and SocietyAra Wilson, Christina WilliamsGSF 278, CULANTH 278, PSY 226, SXL 278Fall
Brain & SocietyNEURO 289Music and the BrainJan Overath, Scott LindrothMUSIC 289Spring
Brain & SocietyNEUROSCI 340SEducational NeuroscienceMinna NgPSY 340SSpring
Brain & SocietyNEURO 444SNeuroscience Service LearningMinna NgPSY 444Spring
Brain & SocietyNEUROSCI 595Language, Music and Dementia: Neuroscience ApproachesEdna AndrewsLINGUIST 595, MUSIC 595Spring
Energy & EnvironmentENERGY 89SEnergy and SocietyTom Cinq-Mars Fall/Spring
Energy & EnvironmentEGR 95FSEmerging Materials and Technologies for Energy FutureNico Hotz Fall
Energy & EnvironmentEGR 95FSSustainable Energy Project: Engineering Design and CommunicationRebecca Simmons Fall
Energy & EnvironmentENERGY 178FSEnergy Policy for a Changing WorldBrian Murray Fall
Energy & EnvironmentENERGY 188FSHistory of Energy Use and Power GenerationTom Cinq-Mars Fall
Energy & EnvironmentENVIRON 201Integrating Environtmenal Science and PolicyWilliam Pan Spring
Energy & EnvironmentENVIRON 216SEnvironment and Conflict: The Role of the Environment in Conflict and PeacebuildingErika WeinthalICS 229S, POLSCI 367S, PUBPOL 279S, RIGHTS 229SFall
Energy & EnvironmentENVIRON 245The Theory and Practice of SustainabilityCharlotte Clark, Tavey CappsSUSTAIN 245, Service-Learning/Community-Engaged CourseSpring
Energy & EnvironmentETHICS 288SEthical Dimensions of Environmental PolicyBrianna Jowers, David Toole, Amy E PickleGLHLTH 248S-01, PUBPOL 262S-01Spring
Energy & EnvironmentENVIRON 335ADrones in Marine Biology, Ecology, and ConservationDavid JohnstonBIOLOGY 335A; MARSCI 335ASpring
Energy & EnvironmentENGLISH 360SThe Environment in Literature, Law, and SciencePriscilla WaldDOCST 370S, ENVIRON 385SFall
Energy & EnvironmentENVIRON 454Rainforest EngineeringMartin BrookeECE 365Fall
Energy & EnvironmentENVIRON 558LRemote Sensing for Environmental AnalysisJennifer Swenson Fall/Spring
Energy & EnvironmentENERGY 588Introduction to Solar Project DevelopmentLuana Lima, Jackson Naftel, Scott Newell StarrENVIRON 588Spring
Energy & EnvironmentEGRMGMT 590Energy TransitionsBobby Compton Fall
Energy & EnvironmentENVIRON 590Evaluating Environmental ProgramsCharlotte Clark, Noelle Wyman Roth Fall/Spring
Energy & EnvironmentENVIRON 590New Ventures Clinic: ClimateJon FjeldI&E 590, ENERGY 590Spring
Energy & EnvironmentENVIRON 590Rainforest EngineeringMartin Brooke, Stuart PimmECE 590Fall/Spring
Energy & EnvironmentENVIRON 592UN Climate Change Negotiation PracticumBilly Pizer, Jonathan Wiener, Jackson EwingPUBPOL 592Fall
Global HealthGLHLTH 101Fundamentals of Global HealthGavin Yamey, Sumedha Ariely, Sara LeGrand Fall/Spring
Global HealthWRITING 101Preventing PandemicsMiranda Welsh Fall/Spring
Global HealthGLHLTH 215Case Studies in Global Sexual and Reproductive HealthMegan HuchkoGSF 220Fall
Global HealthBME 230LWomen's Health and TechnologiesNimmi RamanujamGLHLTH 230LSpring
Global HealthGLHLTH 273SEntrepreneurial Problem Solving in Global HealthDennis ClementsI&E 263S-01, HLTHPOL 263SFall
Global HealthGLHLTH 306Global Health Policy: Transforming Evidence into ActionGavin Yamey, Wenhui Mao, Jonathan Dickinson QuickPUBPOL 324Spring
Global HealthFRENCH 325SGlobal Displacement: Voix FrancophonesDeb ReisingerECS 332; GLHLTH 325S; RIGHTS 325sFall
Global HealthGLHLTH 341Ethics of Infectious Disease ControlKearsley StewartICS 299; SCISOC 341; RIGHTS 341Fall
Global HealthGLHLTH 373Global Health Ethics in ResearchSumedha ArielyICS 349, RIGHTS 375Spring
Global HealthEVANTH 590SEvolution and PandemicsCharlie Nunn Spring
Global HealthGLHLTH 750Health Systems in Low and Middle Income CountriesOsondu Ogbuoji Spring
Global HealthGLHLTH 755Global Health Policy: Transforming Evidence into ActionGavin Yamey Spring
Health Policy & InnovationDOCST 331SU.S. Women's Health Post-RoeWesley HoganRIGHTS 337S, PUBPOL 332S, GLHLTH 331S, GSF 233SFall
Health Policy & InnovationNURSING 484 or 488Interprofessional Care of the Critically Ill Adult PatientChristina Leonard Fall/Spring
Health Policy & InnovationI&E 590New Ventures Clinic: HealthcareRob Hallford, Sharlini Sankaran Fall
Health Policy & InnovationOTD 616Occupational Therapy Capstone Project ICampbell Mikush Fall
Health Policy & InnovationOTD 617Occupational Therapy Capstone Project IICampbell Mikush Spring
Health Policy & InnovationI&E 720Design in Healthcare IEric Richardson Fall
Health Policy & InnovationI&E 721Design in Healthcare IIEric Richardson Spring
Information, Society & CultureISS 110Information, Society and CultureAstrid GiugniPHIL 110, COMPSCI 110, PUBPOL 110Fall
Information, Society & CultureARTHIST 231History of Art MarketsHans Van MiegroetECON 344; VMS 242Fall/Spring
Information, Society & CultureISS 240LFundamentals of Web-based Multimedia CommunicationsRichard Lucic, Mark Olson, Victoria Szabo Fall
Information, Society & CultureARTHIST 305LVirtual Museums: Theories and Methods of 21st-century MuseumsMaurizio ForteARTSVIS 305L, CLST 240, ISS 305L, LVMS 332LFall/Spring
Information, Society & CultureSTA 313LAdvanced Data VisualizationMine Cetinkaya-RundelISS 313LSpring
Information, Society & CultureBIOLOGY 325Current Technologies in Genomics and Precision MedicineGreg Wray, Susanne HagaMGM 325Fall
Information, Society & CultureSOCIOL 347Managing NetworksLiann Sasha Tucker, Lisa Keister, James Moody Spring
Information, Society & CultureISS 356SDigital DurhamVictoria Szabo, Trudi Abel, Phil StrenVMS 358S; EDUC 356S; HISTORY 382SSpring
Information, Society & CultureHISTORY 406Visualizing Cities: Representing Urban Landscapes, Cultures and EnvironmentsEd Tripplett, Phil Stern, Victoria SzaboVMS 380; ISS 380; ARTHIST 382Spring
Information, Society & CultureISS 495SResearch CapstoneVictoria Szabo, Astrid Giugni Spring
Information, Society & CultureARTHIST 580SInterdisciplinary Digital HumanitiesPaul Jaskot, Edward Triplett, Victoria SzaboHCVIS 580S, VMS 580S, ISS 580S, CMAC 580SFall
Information, Society & CultureISS 758SDigital DurhamPhil Stern, Victoria Szabo, Trudi AbelEDUC 758S, HISTORY 758S, CMAC 758SSpring
Race & SocietyEDUC 101Reimaging Public EducationAmy AndersonService-Learning/Community-Engaged CourseFall
Race & SocietyEDUC 101Social and Philosophical Foundations of EducationJavier WallaceService-Learning/Community-Engaged CourseSpring
Race & SocietyPSY 104Social PsychologySarah Gaither, Christina Salvator Fall/Spring
Race & SocietySOCIOL 222Just Laws: Inequalities in the U.S. Legal SystemJenifer Hamil-Luker Fall
Race & SocietyEDUC 307SIssues of Education and ImmigrationRebecca Amelia EwingSPANISH 307S, LSGS 307S, Service-Learning/Community-Engaged CourseSpring
Race & SocietySPANISH 316SGlobal Humanities in SpanishJoseph Mulligan Fall/Spring
Race & SocietyRELIGION 768SSegregated Sundays: Church, Race, Class and CasteValerie CooperBCS 806Fall
Bass Connections OpenEGR 101LEngineering Design and CommunicationAnn Saterbak, Michael Rizk, Kevin Caves Fall/Spring
Bass Connections OpenWRITING 101Writing at Duke 1924-2024Rhiannon Scharnhorst Fall/Spring
Bass Connections OpenEGR 102LDesign to DeliverAnn Saterbak Fall/Spring
Bass Connections OpenPUBPOL 213SArts Policy, Leadership and EngagementAndrew NurkinTHEATRST 231, ARTHIST 228, ARTSVIS 228, DANCE 202, ECON 246, MUSIC 230, I&E 230Spring
Bass Connections OpenSOCIOL 222Inequalities in the U.S. Criminal Justice SystemJenifer Hamil-Luker Fall
Bass Connections OpenHISTORY 235Drugs, Chemicals and HealthEvan Helper-SmithICS 237; GLHLTH 235Fall
Bass Connections OpenI&E 252Learning to FailAaron Dinin Fall
Bass Connections OpenI&E 262Designing Transformative LearningAria ChernikEDUC 262; ISS 262Spring
Bass Connections OpenEHD 290Social Science Research Lab: Evaluating Health InnovationJessica SperlingSCISOC 290; SOCIOL 290S; GLHLTH 290Spring
Bass Connections OpenI&E 290Designing Ethical TechAria Chernik Fall/Spring
Bass Connections OpenI&E 290Open Design StudioAria Chernik Fall/Spring
Bass Connections OpenPUBPOL 290Who's in Charge at Duke?: Leading at Duke in the 20th CenturyAndrew NurkinHISTORY 290Spring
Bass Connections OpenI&E 295SArts EntrepreneurshipDouglas Green, John SupkoMUSIC 295S; DANCE 201S; THEATRST 312S; DOCST 295S; ARTSVIS 295S; VMS 295SSpring
Bass Connections OpenPUBPOL 301Political Analysis for Public Policy-MakingDeondra Rose, Phil NapoliPOLSCI 310Spring 
Bass Connections OpenFRENCH 302SFake News: Multicultural PerspectivesGermain Choffart Spring 
Bass Connections OpenITALIAN 302SFake News: Multicultural PerspectivesMattia Begali Spring 
Bass Connections OpenSPANISH 303Fake News: Multicultural PerspectivesEileen Anderson Spring 
Bass Connections OpenSPANISH 303Introduction to Cultural StudiesSilvia Serrano Spring 
Bass Connections OpenISS 315Mapping HistoryEd TriplettVMS 304; ARTHIST 315Fall
Bass Connections OpenCHILDPOL 325SEquity in Early Childhood Programs and PoliciesCharla Lawrence, Whitney McCoy, Robert CarrPUBPOL 325SSpring
Bass Connections OpenDANCE 371SLArtists in Healthcare: Collaborations and ComplexitiesSarah WilburTHEATRE 371SL, AAHVS 374SL, VMS 374Fall
Bass Connections OpenECE 383Introduction to Robotics and AutomationSiobhan Oca, Genevieve LippME 442Fall
Bass Connections OpenDANCE 462Performing Social ChoreographyMichael Klein Spring
Bass Connections OpenCULANTH 470Capstone: Research in Human RightsNancy MacLean, James ChappelENVIRON 470S, HISTORY 488S, RIGHTS 470SSpring
Bass Connections OpenCHILDPOL 490SApplied Collaborative Research on Early ChildhoodKatie Rosanbalm Fall
Bass Connections OpenI&E 510Social Innovation PracticumKevin Hoch, Paul Bloom, Matt Nash Fall/Spring
Bass Connections OpenCHILDPOL 532SCommunity-Based Research on Early Childhood Policy and PracticeKatie RosanbalmService-Learning/Community-Engaged Course, PUBPOL 532SFall
Bass Connections OpenGSF 590SRevaluing CareJocelyn Olcott Spring 
Bass Connections OpenGSF 590SThe Feminist 1970sAra Wilson Spring
Bass Connections OpenPUBPOL 590Well-Being EconomicsDirk Philipsen Spring
Bass Connections OpenPUBPOL 590SThe Challenge for Business and Society: From Risk to RewardStanley Litow Fall
Bass Connections OpenPUBPOL 590SThe Politics of EducationStanley Litow Fall
Bass Connections OpenLS 760Documentary ExplorationsChris Sims Fall
Bass Connections OpenPUBPOL 816Ethics and Policy-MakingCatherine AdmayGLHLTH 840Fall/Spring
Bass Connections OpenPUBPOL 817Ethics and Equity in Media, Documentary and TechnologyChris Sims Fall
Bass Connections OpenPUBPOL 830The Role of the Federal Reserve in Community DevelopmentPope McCorkle Spring
Bass Connections OpenPUBPOL 851Using Human-Centered DesignTom Allin, Blythe Meyer, Aria Chernik, Zach Osborne Spring 
Bass Connections OpenPUBPOL 890Evaluation Design and PracticeJess Sperling Fall/Spring