Bass Connections courses incorporate interdisciplinary, team-based learning into a semester-long course structure. Through these courses, students can gain expertise in addressing complex societal problems and working on interdisciplinary teams.
Students: Take a Course

Students of all levels can browse the course listings below to explore affiliated courses and when they are typically available for enrollment. Courses are listed by thematic area and then arranged by level.
Click the links to review the course description and additional details. Students can register for Bass Connections-affiliated courses during the normal drop/add windows; most courses are open-enrollment and do not require a permission number.
Please note that not all courses are taught each year, but all courses in this list have been taught in the last two years. Please visit Duke Hub during the course shopping periods and normal registration windows to see if a course is available for the upcoming semester.
Faculty: Spotlight Your Course and Find Course Resources

Faculty who currently teach a course that features interdisciplinary inquiry and/or team-based applied learning around societal challenges are invited to reach out to us to discuss how we might spotlight your course. Our goal is to show the extent to which this form of engaged learning is happening at Duke, and to provide students with a resource to identify courses that model this type of learning.
Faculty who are interested in integrating collaborative projects into a new or current course can find resources and example syllabi in our Course Design Resource Center and can participate in our Collaborative Project Courses Faculty Fellows Program.
Affiliated Courses
Theme | Listing | Title | Instructor(s) | Cross-Listings | Timeline |
Brain & Society | WRITING 101 | Neuroscience and Society | Emily Parks | Fall/Spring | |
Brain & Society | NEUROSCI 102 | Biological Bases of Behavior: Team-based Learning | Minna Ng, Tina Williams, Nicole Schramm-Sapyta | PSY 107 | Fall/Spring |
Brain & Society | NEUROSCI 153FS | Drugs and the Law | Nicole Schramm-Sapyta | PUBPOL 185FS, SCISOC 153FS | Fall |
Brain & Society | NEUROSCI 267 | Neuroethics | Scott Huettel, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong | PSY 278, PHIL 353, ETHICS 269 | Spring |
Brain & Society | NEUROSCI 278 | Sex/Gender - Nature/Nurture: Intersections of Biology and Society | Ara Wilson, Christina Williams | GSF 278, CULANTH 278, PSY 226, SXL 278 | Fall |
Brain & Society | NEURO 289 | Music and the Brain | Jan Overath, Scott Lindroth | MUSIC 289 | Spring |
Brain & Society | NEUROSCI 340S | Educational Neuroscience | Minna Ng | PSY 340S | Spring |
Brain & Society | NEURO 444S | Neuroscience Service Learning | Minna Ng | PSY 444 | Spring |
Brain & Society | NEUROSCI 595 | Language, Music and Dementia: Neuroscience Approaches | Edna Andrews | LINGUIST 595, MUSIC 595 | Spring |
Energy & Environment | ENERGY 89S | Energy and Society | Tom Cinq-Mars | Fall/Spring | |
Energy & Environment | EGR 95FS | Emerging Materials and Technologies for Energy Future | Nico Hotz | Fall | |
Energy & Environment | EGR 95FS | Sustainable Energy Project: Engineering Design and Communication | Rebecca Simmons | Fall | |
Energy & Environment | ENERGY 178FS | Energy Policy for a Changing World | Brian Murray | Fall | |
Energy & Environment | ENERGY 188FS | History of Energy Use and Power Generation | Tom Cinq-Mars | Fall | |
Energy & Environment | ENVIRON 201 | Integrating Environtmenal Science and Policy | William Pan | Spring | |
Energy & Environment | ENVIRON 216S | Environment and Conflict: The Role of the Environment in Conflict and Peacebuilding | Erika Weinthal | ICS 229S, POLSCI 367S, PUBPOL 279S, RIGHTS 229S | Fall |
Energy & Environment | ENVIRON 245 | The Theory and Practice of Sustainability | Charlotte Clark, Tavey Capps | SUSTAIN 245, Service-Learning/Community-Engaged Course | Spring |
Energy & Environment | ETHICS 288S | Ethical Dimensions of Environmental Policy | Brianna Jowers, David Toole, Amy E Pickle | GLHLTH 248S-01, PUBPOL 262S-01 | Spring |
Energy & Environment | ENVIRON 335A | Drones in Marine Biology, Ecology, and Conservation | David Johnston | BIOLOGY 335A; MARSCI 335A | Spring |
Energy & Environment | ENGLISH 360S | The Environment in Literature, Law, and Science | Priscilla Wald | DOCST 370S, ENVIRON 385S | Fall |
Energy & Environment | ENVIRON 454 | Rainforest Engineering | Martin Brooke | ECE 365 | Fall |
Energy & Environment | ENVIRON 558L | Remote Sensing for Environmental Analysis | Jennifer Swenson | Fall/Spring | |
Energy & Environment | ENERGY 588 | Introduction to Solar Project Development | Luana Lima, Jackson Naftel, Scott Newell Starr | ENVIRON 588 | Spring |
Energy & Environment | EGRMGMT 590 | Energy Transitions | Bobby Compton | Fall | |
Energy & Environment | ENVIRON 590 | Evaluating Environmental Programs | Charlotte Clark, Noelle Wyman Roth | Fall/Spring | |
Energy & Environment | ENVIRON 590 | New Ventures Clinic: Climate | Jon Fjeld | I&E 590, ENERGY 590 | Spring |
Energy & Environment | ENVIRON 590 | Rainforest Engineering | Martin Brooke, Stuart Pimm | ECE 590 | Fall/Spring |
Energy & Environment | ENVIRON 592 | UN Climate Change Negotiation Practicum | Billy Pizer, Jonathan Wiener, Jackson Ewing | PUBPOL 592 | Fall |
Global Health | GLHLTH 101 | Fundamentals of Global Health | Gavin Yamey, Sumedha Ariely, Sara LeGrand | Fall/Spring | |
Global Health | WRITING 101 | Preventing Pandemics | Miranda Welsh | Fall/Spring | |
Global Health | GLHLTH 215 | Case Studies in Global Sexual and Reproductive Health | Megan Huchko | GSF 220 | Fall |
Global Health | BME 230L | Women's Health and Technologies | Nimmi Ramanujam | GLHLTH 230L | Spring |
Global Health | GLHLTH 273S | Entrepreneurial Problem Solving in Global Health | Dennis Clements | I&E 263S-01, HLTHPOL 263S | Fall |
Global Health | GLHLTH 306 | Global Health Policy: Transforming Evidence into Action | Gavin Yamey, Wenhui Mao, Jonathan Dickinson Quick | PUBPOL 324 | Spring |
Global Health | FRENCH 325S | Global Displacement: Voix Francophones | Deb Reisinger | ECS 332; GLHLTH 325S; RIGHTS 325s | Fall |
Global Health | GLHLTH 341 | Ethics of Infectious Disease Control | Kearsley Stewart | ICS 299; SCISOC 341; RIGHTS 341 | Fall |
Global Health | GLHLTH 373 | Global Health Ethics in Research | Sumedha Ariely | ICS 349, RIGHTS 375 | Spring |
Global Health | EVANTH 590S | Evolution and Pandemics | Charlie Nunn | Spring | |
Global Health | GLHLTH 750 | Health Systems in Low and Middle Income Countries | Osondu Ogbuoji | Spring | |
Global Health | GLHLTH 755 | Global Health Policy: Transforming Evidence into Action | Gavin Yamey | Spring | |
Health Policy & Innovation | DOCST 331S | U.S. Women's Health Post-Roe | Wesley Hogan | RIGHTS 337S, PUBPOL 332S, GLHLTH 331S, GSF 233S | Fall |
Health Policy & Innovation | NURSING 484 or 488 | Interprofessional Care of the Critically Ill Adult Patient | Christina Leonard | Fall/Spring | |
Health Policy & Innovation | I&E 590 | New Ventures Clinic: Healthcare | Rob Hallford, Sharlini Sankaran | Fall | |
Health Policy & Innovation | OTD 616 | Occupational Therapy Capstone Project I | Campbell Mikush | Fall | |
Health Policy & Innovation | OTD 617 | Occupational Therapy Capstone Project II | Campbell Mikush | Spring | |
Health Policy & Innovation | I&E 720 | Design in Healthcare I | Eric Richardson | Fall | |
Health Policy & Innovation | I&E 721 | Design in Healthcare II | Eric Richardson | Spring | |
Information, Society & Culture | ISS 110 | Information, Society and Culture | Astrid Giugni | PHIL 110, COMPSCI 110, PUBPOL 110 | Fall |
Information, Society & Culture | ARTHIST 231 | History of Art Markets | Hans Van Miegroet | ECON 344; VMS 242 | Fall/Spring |
Information, Society & Culture | ISS 240L | Fundamentals of Web-based Multimedia Communications | Richard Lucic, Mark Olson, Victoria Szabo | Fall | |
Information, Society & Culture | ARTHIST 305L | Virtual Museums: Theories and Methods of 21st-century Museums | Maurizio Forte | ARTSVIS 305L, CLST 240, ISS 305L, LVMS 332L | Fall/Spring |
Information, Society & Culture | STA 313L | Advanced Data Visualization | Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel | ISS 313L | Spring |
Information, Society & Culture | BIOLOGY 325 | Current Technologies in Genomics and Precision Medicine | Greg Wray, Susanne Haga | MGM 325 | Fall |
Information, Society & Culture | SOCIOL 347 | Managing Networks | Liann Sasha Tucker, Lisa Keister, James Moody | Spring | |
Information, Society & Culture | ISS 356S | Digital Durham | Victoria Szabo, Trudi Abel, Phil Stren | VMS 358S; EDUC 356S; HISTORY 382S | Spring |
Information, Society & Culture | HISTORY 406 | Visualizing Cities: Representing Urban Landscapes, Cultures and Environments | Ed Tripplett, Phil Stern, Victoria Szabo | VMS 380; ISS 380; ARTHIST 382 | Spring |
Information, Society & Culture | ISS 495S | Research Capstone | Victoria Szabo, Astrid Giugni | Spring | |
Information, Society & Culture | ARTHIST 580S | Interdisciplinary Digital Humanities | Paul Jaskot, Edward Triplett, Victoria Szabo | HCVIS 580S, VMS 580S, ISS 580S, CMAC 580S | Fall |
Information, Society & Culture | ISS 758S | Digital Durham | Phil Stern, Victoria Szabo, Trudi Abel | EDUC 758S, HISTORY 758S, CMAC 758S | Spring |
Race & Society | EDUC 101 | Reimaging Public Education | Amy Anderson | Service-Learning/Community-Engaged Course | Fall |
Race & Society | EDUC 101 | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education | Javier Wallace | Service-Learning/Community-Engaged Course | Spring |
Race & Society | PSY 104 | Social Psychology | Sarah Gaither, Christina Salvator | Fall/Spring | |
Race & Society | SOCIOL 222 | Just Laws: Inequalities in the U.S. Legal System | Jenifer Hamil-Luker | Fall | |
Race & Society | EDUC 307S | Issues of Education and Immigration | Rebecca Amelia Ewing | SPANISH 307S, LSGS 307S, Service-Learning/Community-Engaged Course | Spring |
Race & Society | SPANISH 316S | Global Humanities in Spanish | Joseph Mulligan | Fall/Spring | |
Race & Society | RELIGION 768S | Segregated Sundays: Church, Race, Class and Caste | Valerie Cooper | BCS 806 | Fall |
Bass Connections Open | EGR 101L | Engineering Design and Communication | Ann Saterbak, Michael Rizk, Kevin Caves | Fall/Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | WRITING 101 | Writing at Duke 1924-2024 | Rhiannon Scharnhorst | Fall/Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | EGR 102L | Design to Deliver | Ann Saterbak | Fall/Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | PUBPOL 213S | Arts Policy, Leadership and Engagement | Andrew Nurkin | THEATRST 231, ARTHIST 228, ARTSVIS 228, DANCE 202, ECON 246, MUSIC 230, I&E 230 | Spring |
Bass Connections Open | SOCIOL 222 | Inequalities in the U.S. Criminal Justice System | Jenifer Hamil-Luker | Fall | |
Bass Connections Open | HISTORY 235 | Drugs, Chemicals and Health | Evan Helper-Smith | ICS 237; GLHLTH 235 | Fall |
Bass Connections Open | I&E 252 | Learning to Fail | Aaron Dinin | Fall | |
Bass Connections Open | I&E 262 | Designing Transformative Learning | Aria Chernik | EDUC 262; ISS 262 | Spring |
Bass Connections Open | EHD 290 | Social Science Research Lab: Evaluating Health Innovation | Jessica Sperling | SCISOC 290; SOCIOL 290S; GLHLTH 290 | Spring |
Bass Connections Open | I&E 290 | Designing Ethical Tech | Aria Chernik | Fall/Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | I&E 290 | Open Design Studio | Aria Chernik | Fall/Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | PUBPOL 290 | Who's in Charge at Duke?: Leading at Duke in the 20th Century | Andrew Nurkin | HISTORY 290 | Spring |
Bass Connections Open | I&E 295S | Arts Entrepreneurship | Douglas Green, John Supko | MUSIC 295S; DANCE 201S; THEATRST 312S; DOCST 295S; ARTSVIS 295S; VMS 295S | Spring |
Bass Connections Open | PUBPOL 301 | Political Analysis for Public Policy-Making | Deondra Rose, Phil Napoli | POLSCI 310 | Spring |
Bass Connections Open | FRENCH 302S | Fake News: Multicultural Perspectives | Germain Choffart | Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | ITALIAN 302S | Fake News: Multicultural Perspectives | Mattia Begali | Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | SPANISH 303 | Fake News: Multicultural Perspectives | Eileen Anderson | Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | SPANISH 303 | Introduction to Cultural Studies | Silvia Serrano | Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | ISS 315 | Mapping History | Ed Triplett | VMS 304; ARTHIST 315 | Fall |
Bass Connections Open | CHILDPOL 325S | Equity in Early Childhood Programs and Policies | Charla Lawrence, Whitney McCoy, Robert Carr | PUBPOL 325S | Spring |
Bass Connections Open | DANCE 371SL | Artists in Healthcare: Collaborations and Complexities | Sarah Wilbur | THEATRE 371SL, AAHVS 374SL, VMS 374 | Fall |
Bass Connections Open | ECE 383 | Introduction to Robotics and Automation | Siobhan Oca, Genevieve Lipp | ME 442 | Fall |
Bass Connections Open | DANCE 462 | Performing Social Choreography | Michael Klein | Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | CULANTH 470 | Capstone: Research in Human Rights | Nancy MacLean, James Chappel | ENVIRON 470S, HISTORY 488S, RIGHTS 470S | Spring |
Bass Connections Open | CHILDPOL 490S | Applied Collaborative Research on Early Childhood | Katie Rosanbalm | Fall | |
Bass Connections Open | I&E 510 | Social Innovation Practicum | Kevin Hoch, Paul Bloom, Matt Nash | Fall/Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | CHILDPOL 532S | Community-Based Research on Early Childhood Policy and Practice | Katie Rosanbalm | Service-Learning/Community-Engaged Course, PUBPOL 532S | Fall |
Bass Connections Open | GSF 590S | Revaluing Care | Jocelyn Olcott | Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | GSF 590S | The Feminist 1970s | Ara Wilson | Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | PUBPOL 590 | Well-Being Economics | Dirk Philipsen | Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | PUBPOL 590S | The Challenge for Business and Society: From Risk to Reward | Stanley Litow | Fall | |
Bass Connections Open | PUBPOL 590S | The Politics of Education | Stanley Litow | Fall | |
Bass Connections Open | LS 760 | Documentary Explorations | Chris Sims | Fall | |
Bass Connections Open | PUBPOL 816 | Ethics and Policy-Making | Catherine Admay | GLHLTH 840 | Fall/Spring |
Bass Connections Open | PUBPOL 817 | Ethics and Equity in Media, Documentary and Technology | Chris Sims | Fall | |
Bass Connections Open | PUBPOL 830 | The Role of the Federal Reserve in Community Development | Pope McCorkle | Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | PUBPOL 851 | Using Human-Centered Design | Tom Allin, Blythe Meyer, Aria Chernik, Zach Osborne | Spring | |
Bass Connections Open | PUBPOL 890 | Evaluation Design and Practice | Jess Sperling | Fall/Spring |