Project Team
Policy Surveillance of Universal Health Coverage Financing in Developing Countries (2022-2023)The United Nations sustainable development goal target for health aims to “achieve universal health coverage (UHC), including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.” To reach this goal, significant resources have been invested in tracking countries’ progress toward the achievement of UHC.
However, there is a disproportionate focus on tracking implementation and outcome metrics without sufficient attention to the policy environment needed to achieve success. Hence, there is a need to create opportunities for comparative cross-country analysis and longitudinal analysis for understanding the impact of different policy experiments on UHC progress in developing countries. This team analyzed health system development in Rwanda and Ghana and laid the groundwork for further research.
Policy Surveillance of Universal Health Coverage Financing in Developing Countries
Poster by Mary Winfred Ugonma Edom, Theiija Balasubramanian, Kiara Ekeigwe, Carlos Hua, Zain Jafar, Suresh Kannoth, Jurica Miklobusec, Judith Mwobobia, Ava Ondik, Michelle Schultze, Ei Ei Swe, You Wu, Ana Young, Ashwini Deshpande, Adam Herpolsheimer, Rosemary Fernholz, Gavin Yamey and Osondu Ogbuoji