Visualizing Venice (2013-2014)
Venice is a man-made miracle, the “city in the sea.” Yet Venice is also the product of ongoing and evolving relationships with the surrounding lagoon, and the city is the aggregate of many transformative changes over time. The city continues to change today as it adapts to new functions, such as tourism, and this is especially important in relation to the challenges presented by global warming and sea-level rise.

Visualizing Venice is an interdisciplinary and cross-divisional teaching-training-research initiative that engages students in technology and the disciplines of Architecture, Engineering, History, Art and Architectural History, Archaeology, and Environmental Science, to map and model how human institutions and natural phenomena propel change in the man-made and natural environment over time. Team members had the opportunity to take courses and participate in research teams both at Duke University and Venice International University, using state-of-the-art digital laboratories for mapping and modeling data from remote sensing and other tools for gathering information about the city and the lagoon.

Team members learned about spatial analysis, data visualization, web and app design, writing, graphic design, library research, database design and geo-referenced data management, computer programming, interpretations of archival information and visual documentation.
Team Outcomes
Visualizing Venice: Urban Histories/Digital Cities (poster by Chelsea Pieroni and Julia Huang)