Data+ (2020)
Data+ is a ten-week summer research experience for undergraduates and master’s students interested in exploring new data-driven approaches to interdisciplinary challenges. Students work in small teams and learn how to marshal, analyze and visualize data, while gaining broad exposure to the field of data science. Through collaboration, teams use data analysis to solve a wide variety of real-world challenges using health data, text, voting records, wireless mapping data, economic and financial analytics and more.
2020 Projects
- ABOUT-US: A BOundary Update Tool for Utility Services
- AI in the Investment Office
- American Predatory Lending and the Global Financial Crisis
- Applying Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) to Security Threat Hunting with Duke’s ITSO
- Computational Approaches to the History of Cartography
- Computational Tools to Improve Healthy and Pleasurable Eating in Young Children
- Data Science for Retention of College Women in Tech
- Deep Learning for Rare Energy Infrastructures in Satellite Imagery
- Disease Emergence and Richness in Primates
- Finding Space Junk with the World’s Biggest Telescopes
- For Love of Greed: Tracing the Early History of Consumer Culture
- Forecasting Campus Energy Usage for Improved Energy Management
- Human Activity Recognition using Physiological Data from Wearables
- Linking Urban Land Use to Aquatic Metabolism Regimes
- Mental Health and the Justice System in Durham County
- Network Visualization of Foot Traffic Patterns
- Neural Network-based Self-adjusting Computational Processors
- On Being a Blue Devil: The Changing Profile of the Duke Student Body
- Piloting an Environmental Public Health Tracking Tool for North Carolina
- Predicting Baseball Players’ Athletic Performance Utilizing Baseline Assessments of Vision
- Predicting Blindness in Duke’s Glaucoma Patient Population
- Predictive Churn Models for Duke Season Ticket Holders and Annual Donors
- Predictive Modeling of Mechanical Failures at Sea
- Protecting American Investors? Financial Advice from before the New Deal to the Birth of the Internet
- Race and Housing in Durham over the Course of the 20th Century
- Taking Electrification on the Road: Exploring the Impact of the Electric Farm Equipment Roadshow
- Latinxs and the Right
- When Black Stories Go Global: Analyzing the Translation of African-American Literature and Film