Share Your Research at the Annual Visible Thinking Poster Session

Registration is now open for Duke undergraduate students to submit abstracts to present research at Visible Thinking. Every year, undergraduate researchers are selected to explain their original scholarship in the humanities, the natural sciences and engineering and the social sciences.
Bass Connections encourages undergraduate team members to register to present posters at the Visible Thinking event on Wednesday, April 20 from 11:00 to 2:00 in the Fitzpatrick Atrium.
Participation in Visible Thinking will be in addition to the theme-specific events that are in the works for this spring. While you are preparing your team’s poster or presentation for your theme’s event, consider applying to Visible Thinking as another opportunity to share your team’s findings.
For students in Bass Connections, Service Learning and Service Opportunities in Leadership, there will be a special workshop to prepare for Visible Thinking on Tuesday, March 29 from 1:00 to 3:00 in Rubenstein Hall 242.
Visible Thinking registration ends on April 11. For more information and resources, check out the Visible Thinking page on the Undergraduate Research Support Office website.