Bass Connections Team Members Share Their Global Health Research and Win Awards
Bass Connections team members joined other global health researchers at Duke for the fifth annual Global Health Showcase on November 3. Undergraduates, graduate students and postdocs represented four Bass Connections project teams:
- Cookstoves and Air Pollution in Madagascar
- Environmental Epidemiology in Latin America
- Improving Neurosurgery Patient Outcomes in Uganda
- POCkeT Colposcope
Congratulations to Manish Nair ’17, who won first place in the Duke Global Health Institute’s poster contest for the Bass Connections category. His winning poster, Global Value Chain Analysis of the POCkeT Colposcope, draws on his research with the POCkeT Colposcope team.

And cheers to Tommy Klug, Laura Guidera, Anna-Karin Hess, Lydia Greene, Melissa Manus and Brittany Carson for taking second place for their poster, The Effects of Cooking Practices on Human and Environmental Health in Rural Madagascar. They’re members of the Cookstoves and Air Pollution in Madagascar team.

In the student fieldwork photo contest, Ecology doctoral student Lydia Greene of the Cookstoves team won third place for her photo “Carrying Rice,” taken in Mandena, Madagascar.
Biology and Global Health major Liane Emerson ’18 won the people’s choice award for her photo “Jesus and Ernesto,” taken in Loreto, Peru. She’s a member of the Environmental Epidemiology in Latin America team.
Learn More
- See all of the poster and photo contest winners and read more about the Global Health Showcase.
- View photos on the Bass Connections and DGHI Flickr sites.
- Find out how to get involved in Bass Connections.