Bass Connections Poster Awards Highlight Neurosurgery and Energy Research

A poster from the Improving Neurosurgery Patient Outcomes in Uganda project team has won the Bass Connections Poster Award, Judges’ Selection. The Energy Data Analytics Lab project team received the Bass Connections Poster Award, Audience Choice.
The winners were recognized at the Bass Connections Showcase on April 20 and presented with gift cards of $200 per poster.
Judges’ Selection
The Judges’ Selection was chosen by a group of experts from the Bass Connections themes. Submissions were judged on whether the project’s aims were presented clearly; how they described the research methods; how they presented the scope of their project and reached a conclusion; and visual clarity, appeal and layout.
Identifying the Needs and Barriers to Patient-Family Education to Improve Neurosurgery Patient Outcomes in Mulago National Referral Hospital (MNRH), Uganda
Joao Ricardo Vissoci, Chinemerem Nwosu, Sandra Batakana, Silvia Vaca, Stephanie Lim, Linda Xu, Michael Muhumuza, Hussein Ssenyonjo, John Mukasa, Joel Kiryabwire, Emily Smith, Anthony Fuller, Gerald Grant, Michael Haglund
Bass Connections Project Team: Improving Neurosurgery Patient Outcomes in Uganda

Sandra Batakana and Chinemerem Nwosu at the Bass Connections Showcase
What’s in a Face?
Lily Chaw, Elaine Cox, Nidhila Masha
Bass Connections Project Team: Art, Vision and the Brain: Autism and Face Processing
What Is the Most Energy Efficient and Economic Solution to Ensure the Integrity of Corning’s Manufacturing Plants in the Event of an Electrical Outage?
Ziad El Arab, Kristen Collar, Ajay Desai, Zi Huang, Tracy Lu, Eunji Oh, Hui Pan, Anahita Sehgal, Mengyi Zhou, Gale Boyd, Josiah Knight
Bass Connections Project Team: Energy Efficiency in Industry: High-tech Glass Manufacturing at Corning Inc.
Audience Choice
The Audience Choice was selected by attendees at the Bass Connections Showcase.
Automated Building Energy Consumption Estimation from Aerial Imagery
Mitchell Kim, Sebastian Lin, Sophia Park, Eric Peshkin, Nikhil Vanderklaauw, Yue Xi, Samit Sura, Hoël Wiesner, Kyle Bradbury, Leslie Collins, Timothy Johnson
Bass Connections Project Team: Energy Data Analytics Lab

Mitchell Kim, Samit Sura, Nikhil Vanderklaauw, Eric Peshkin, Cassidee Kido (a member of the 2015-16 Energy Data Analytics Lab team) and Hoël Wiesner (in front) at the Bass Connections Showcase
What Is the Most Energy Efficient and Economic Solution to Ensure the Integrity of Corning’s Manufacturing Plants in the Event of an Electrical Outage?
Ziad El Arab, Kristen Collar, Ajay Desai, Zi Huang, Tracy Lu, Eunji Oh, Hui Pan, Anahita Sehgal, Mengyi Zhou, Gale Boyd, Josiah Knight
Bass Connections Project Team: Energy Efficiency in Industry: High-tech Glass Manufacturing at Corning Inc.
Cultural Context and Accessibility of Sanitization Pumps Affect Hand Hygiene Practices in a Ugandan Neurosurgery Ward
Meggie Lund, Kelsey Graywill, Akash Patel, Sam Sadler
Bass Connections Project Team: Improving Neurosurgery Patient Outcomes in Uganda
Learn More
- Read how Bass Connections team members are taking the research further through follow-on grants.
- See which graduate student team members received mentoring awards.
- View winners of the Bass Connections Photo Contest.