Bass Connections Invites Proposals for 2019-2020 Projects by November 5

Bass Connections is now accepting proposals for 2019-2020 team-based research projects that engage faculty, undergraduates and graduate/professional students in interdisciplinary exploration of big, unanswered questions about major societal challenges.
Please see the project proposal guidelines. The deadline is November 5 at 5:00 p.m.
Projects may be proposed in relation to one or more of the five broad, interdisciplinary themes of Bass Connections, or to Bass Connections Open – a special channel that invites proposals that align with the model of Bass Connections but otherwise fall outside the parameters of the existing themes.
This is the second, and final, year in which proposals will be accepted through Bass Connections Open. Bass Connections Open is not a permanent feature of the program, but rather an experimental channel that we anticipate opening approximately every five years as a means of identifying percolating areas of interest not addressed by the current themes.
Special Opportunities for 2019-2020
When completing a proposal, faculty will also have the opportunity to take advantage of the following opportunities. Please note that applying for these opportunities will not increase your project budget, but rather may increase the likelihood that your project will be selected by allowing us to leverage funds designated for a specific purpose.
- Submit a joint proposal for a year-long Bass Connections project and a Summer 2019 Story+ or Data+ project
- Biodiversity Conservation
- Energy Access
- Ethics
- Arts
- Humanities
Laura Howes, director of Bass Connections, is available to answer questions. Faculty may also contact any of the Bass Connections theme leaders to discuss project ideas.
Learn More
- Read the project proposal guidelines.
- See sample proposals and explore the 2018-2019 Bass Connections projects.
- Browse faculty perspectives on leading Bass Connections projects.