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Applications Remain Open for Several 2018-19 Project Teams

open teams

Still interested in becoming a member of a 2018-19 Bass Connections project team? These project teams are continuing to recruit student team members. Applications are currently open and will be due by Friday, March 9 at 5:00 p.m. (except where noted).

Teams seeking undergraduate and graduate/professional student team members:

The Cost of Opportunity: Access to Higher Education in Brazil (Accepting applications through April 6 at 5:00 p.m.)

DECIPHER: Case Studies in Drinking Water Quality

Marine Microalgae for Sustainable Production of Food and Fuel

Music for Social Change: Research in Practice with Kidznotes and El Sistema USA

Privacy, Consumer EEG Devices and the Brain

Project Vox

Sowers and Reapers: Gardening in an Era of Change

Using Neuroscience to Optimize Digital Health Interventions across Adulthood

Virtual Avatar Coaches: Improving Mental Health Treatment for College Students with Accessible Peer Support 

Teams seeking graduate/professional student team members only:

Documenting Durham’s Health History: Understanding the Roots of Health Disparities

How Do People Affect Zoonotic Disease Dynamics in Madagascar

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