In recent centuries, industrialized nations and globalized supply chains have exhausted natural resources, driving the loss of biological and cultural diversity and diminishing the ecosystem services on which we all depend. Meanwhile, a billion people worldwide lack adequate access to safe, nutritious food. One region experiencing these problems is northern Madagascar, a global hotspot for both biodiversity and extinction.
Using biocultural approaches, this team aimed to understand if current livelihood strategies and natural resource use in the rural communities of Madagascar are sustainable. Their results show that endangered lemurs are present, and in some cases abundant, in the remaining forests but are still hunted by local communities. Trees are diverse and abundant, but are harvested by people for multiple uses, and farming is declining in productivity, leading to poor diets and nutritional health. The team will continue to partner with universities and organizations in the area to develop potential solutions based on community members’ desires for development.
Biocultural Sustainability in Madagascar
Poster by Anne Yoder, Ardhilles Andriantinefiarijaona, Autumn Burton, Bethany Old, Camille DeSisto, Candidier Dimbiarijaonina, Charlie Welch, Dedriek Whitaker, Edgar Rabevao, Edouard Mahazandry, Emerancine Raharizafinirina, Elise Boos, Emily Sandberg, Esperio Jaozandry, Feno Telessy, George Raveloson, Jean Eric Tsilanizara Jean Ranohianasy, James Herrera, Jean Tiamanana, Jeantauné Njakandrina, Louisene Olina, Lucy Law, Maggie Poulos, Mamy Omega, Nandrasana Judolin Raherison, Nantenaina Eliantine, Nestorine, Prisca Joel, Raherisoa Angele, Razanadraina Quinti, Tristan Frappier-Brinton, William Ramalanjaona, Ximena Gonzalez-Revilla and Zico Zandry