Here we present a sample of outputs resulting from Bass Connections project teams. Please use the "type" filter below to view the wide breadth of outcomes including publications, exhibits, websites and applications.
Selected Team Outputs
Orlin Vakarelov, Kenneth Rogerson. 2019. Philosophy & Technology 33:21-92.
Jill K. Jones, John F. Evans, Raymond C. Barfield. 2021. Frontiers in Pediatrics 9:579003.
Thomas DeFrantz, James Clotfelter, Martin Brooke, Matthew Kenney, Quran Karriem, Rebecca Uliasz, Summer Dunsmore. Live performance. May 18-19, 2018. Durham, NC: Moogfest.
Anna Gassman-Pines, Christina M. Gibson-Davis, Corey Vernot, Maggie Butler, Natalie Hall, Lauren Taylot, Katherine Eastwood, Xinri Zhang. 2017. Journal of Marriage and Family 79(2):405-418.
Think Again: How to Reason and Argue
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong. 2018. Oxford University Press.
Title, Settlement Recognition and the Emergence of Property Rights: Evidence from 157 Slums
Eirk Wibbels, MS Sriram, Jeremy Spater, Anirudh Krishna. Working paper.
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong. John Templeton Foundation, 2017. $225,000.
Sophia Vincoff, Beatrice Schleupner, Jasmine Santos, Margaret Morrison, Newland Zhang, Meagan M. Dunphy-Daly, William C. Eward, Andrew J. Armstrong, Zoie Diana, Jason A. Somarelli. 2023. Preprint.
Diwas Gautam, Sahil Sandhu, Kate Kutzer, Lillian Blanchard, Jacqueline Xu, Veronica Sotelo Munoz, Erika Dennis, Connor Drake, Carolyn Crowder, Howard Eisenson, Janet Prvu Bettger. 2022. Frontiers in Public Health.
Triangle Center for Evolutionary Medicine
Charles Nunn. University of North Carolina - General Administration, 2015. $50,000.
Dylan Beder, Michelle Chen, Doruk Doganay, Matthew Harris, Amber Johnson, Siddarth Kethireddy, Andrew Liu, Kelly McLaughlin, Maddie Nelson, Sam Oshero, Advait Reddy, Richard Ruiz, Belal Taher, Tyler Yam, Thomas F. DeFrantz, Quran Karriem. Live performance. April 13, 2018. Durham, NC: ChoreoLab.
Samia C Akhter-Khan, Matthew Prina, Gloria Hoi-Yan Wong, Rosie Mayston, Leon Li. 2022. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Paula Tanabe. National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Nursing Research, 2017. $88,568.
Heather B. Shapiro, Clara H. Lee, Noelle E. Wyman Roth, Kun Li, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, Dorian A. Canelas. 2017. Computers & Education 110:35-50.
UNEP-PCDMB Film Archive
Erika Weinthal. United Nations Environment Programme, 2013. $6,000.
Justin T. Ridge, David W. Johnston. 2020. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:438.
Untangling Human-Animal Transmission of Cutaneous Leishmanaisis
William Pan. North Carolina State University, 2017. $9,755.
Anna Wade, Daniel Richter, Christopher Craft, Nancy Bao, Paul Heine, Mary Osteen, Kevin Tan. 2021. Environmental Science & Technology.
Amy Finnegan, Saumya S. Sao, Megan J. Huchko. 2019. Global Health: Science and Practice 7(3).
Amy Finnegan, Saumya Sao, Megan J. Huchko. 2019. Global Health: Science and Practice:7.
Cheryl Lin, Brooke Bier, Rungting Tu, John J. Paat, Pikuei Tu. 2023. Vaccines 11(3):550.
Validating a Scale of Health Beliefs in Preventive Health Screenings Among Chinese Older Adults
Hanzhang Xu, Paulin Straughan, Wei Pan, Bei Wu. 2016. Journal of Transcultural Nursing.
Leah K. Watson, Bonnie N. Kaiser, Ali M. Giusto, David Ayuku, Eve S. Puffer. 2019. International Journal of Psychology.
Ethan D. Borre, Austin Ayer, Carolina Der, Titus Ibekwe, Susan D. Emmett, Siddharth Dixit, Minahil Shahid, Bolajoko Olusanya. Suneela Garg, Mohini Johri, James E. Saunders, Debara L. Tucci, Blake S. Wilson, Osondu Ogbuoji, Gillian D. Sanders Schmidler. 2022. EClinicalMedicine.
Amy Anderson, Jessica Benton, Yolanda Dunston, Jamie Eaton, Alec Greenwald, Lindsey Miller, Quynh-Chi Vo, Maranatha Wall, Allyson Ashekun, Drew Greene, Patience Jones, Rhea Tejwan. 2022.