In the U.S., about 10 percent of pregnancies result in preterm deliveries; rates are 48 percent higher among Black women. Group prenatal care models such as CenteringPregnancy© have contributed to improved pregnancy outcomes and have been shown to reduce racial disparities in preterm births.
The goal of this project team was to adapt a group prenatal care model to the inpatient setting. Expanding on the 2019-2020 pilot study performed at Duke, this team served over 15 patients since October 2021, engaging them in weekly sessions on prenatal topics including lactation, NICU preparedness and stress management. Team members found that while virtual implementation of the group care model was logistically challenging, it ultimately resulted in patient-reported satisfaction around information delivery, group activities and community building.
Community for Antepartum Patients (CAP): Establishing an Inpatient Model for Group Prenatal Care at Duke
Poster by Isabella Coogan, Natalie Gulrajani, Saisahana Subburaj, Keri Tomechko, Julia Moyett, Khaila Ramey-Collier, Linda Zambrano Guevara and Sarah Dotters-Katz